💀Guess I was Wrong 💀

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💀 were just gonna pretend you just left ur house rn💀

I was excited as I headed over to Light's house. I haven't seen him in a few days and I kinda miss him. I don't like the distance that's growing between us and I wanna fix it.

I still won't tell him about Rem though. Not yet, I'm  not sure how he'll  react. Plus I wanna prove myself.  And have my own fun yk? Once I tell him, I'll lose some freedom. He's  gonna be all "dont be reckless" and "be responsible with it".

Of course he wouldn't be wrong but it's not like I'll  do something stupid. I'm not dumb, I know what I'm doing. I have plenty of experience from watching and helping Light.

I got this! And I'll  show him I can take care of myself! I was motivated and full of energy.

"You seem quite excited to see this boyfriend of yours" Rem looked down at me as he hovered next to me.

I was so lost in thought I almost forgot he was there. "Huh? Oh yeah! I haven't really talked to him lately." I gave him a soft  smile.

💀time skip to light's house 💀

As I approached the door, I got butterflies in my stomach. Would he be mad if he found out I was keeping secrets from him? I don't  want to make him mad. I just want him to be proud of me.

I tried to knock but froze in my tracks. I hate it when he's  mad, especially when I'm  the reason. I sighed. Oh well I'm doing this weather he likes it or not. I'll tell him once I'm satisfied with his reaction to "the second kira".

I knocked at the door and was greeted by Light's mom. "Hey Ms. Yagami." I smiled.

"Oh (Y/n)! I wasn't expecting you. How have you been?"

"I've been good, and you?"

"Oh you know same old same old. But I won't talk your ears off. Light's  right up in his room." She gestured upstairs.

"Okay thank you!" I said running up the stairs, excited.

Rem on the other hand didn't really have an expression. He didn't look bored but not interested either. I can't  read him.

Light's  door was closed, as usual. I knocked and he quickly answered. "Its open!" I regained my butterflies at the sound of his voice. But this time it was excitement. It felt like I havent seen him in forever.

I walked in, followed by rem, to see him in his usaul spot at his desk. I don't  think he realizes it's me yet. I grinned to myself as I approached my boyfriend. Walking behind him, I put my hands over his eyes, surprising him a bit.

"Guess who~" I purred in a playful voice, still smiling ear to ear. "(Y/n)?" I loved to hear him say my name. "Yup!" I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaned down, and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Miss me?" I asked still playing. "Yeah, where have you been?" He turned around in his chair to face me. "You know, I've missed your lips on mine." Light smirked that evil smile of his.

(Guess I was wrong about the distant part. Seems he missed me as much as I missed him) 

I giggled. "Yeah..." I just remembered Rem was here and lost my mood to flirt. My reminder you ask? The look on Ryuk's face.

💀ngl im kinda excited to see your reactions to these up coming chapters. Keep me entertained!💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now