💀New place 💀

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Rem and I spent a few hours talking, getting to know each other. I found out that Rem dropped his deathnote on purpose like ryuk. They make the shinigami world seem so boring.

I mean it's that bad to where you have to go to a whole other world for entertainment? Sheesh. After talking for awhile I ate dinner and went to bed. I was excited because tomorrow would be my first day as the second Kira.

💀time skip💀

I woke up the next day, with a smile on my face. Today was Monday, so I had college classes. I didn't mind tho, theres no rush to kill people. I can wait till after school.

💀On Campus 💀

I ran into light a few times but we didn't really get to talk as we had to hurry to our classes. I hated that we didn't have any classes together but it made sense. Light was working on becoming a detective while I was busy  taking (dream job) classes.

Rem was with me ,  but of course didn't say much. I don't  see how following me all day is entertaining, but whatever. I dont mind it.

💀After school💀

I went back to home . When I walked in, I threw my bag on the couch and went straight for my room. I made sure to do all my work during class so I was free to do whatever.

Rem watched as I locked my door and took my "diary" out. I couldn't wait till I moved out so I wouldn't have to worry about getting caught. I already have an apartment I'm interested in, so I should be moving soon.

I sat at my desk and took out my notes. I did some research on criminals I thought deserved to die. Surprisingly, it was kind of hard  to find the REALLY bad ones. I thought it would be wayyy easier.

I put my playlist on shuffle on my phone  and began writing. I wrote names of murders, rapist, child molesters, and more. As I wrote, I was starting to understand what light meant by "I am justice". It honestly did feel like I was  justice itself.

As time flew by, I already filled a few pages. I made sure to write details, such as times of death. I made it so that I wouldn't have to write names for a few days that way i can focus on school. Some would die in the morning and others the evening.

I put the book away, ate dinner, and watched anime for a few hours. I made sure to talk with Rem some more too. They're(idk what pronouns I wanna use so ima use they/them for rem)  really cool! We agreed to hang out and talk with each other for atleast an hour everyday.

It was nice having someone to talk to. I also liked the idea that I wouldn't be alone when I moved out of my parent's  house.  The idea put a smile on my face. I really liked Rem. And I think they like me too!

Of course I mean as a friend, cuz i have light. And I love him. Yeah, we have our small differences but at the end of the day, Lights amazing. Hes loyal, caring, and gentle. And best of all, hes not clingy.

💀time skip to friday(after school)💀

I left my college, smiling ear to ear. As I walked I twirled my keychain in my finger. I approached my door, with a pep in my step. I was happy to see MY apartment waiting for me.

I moved in Wenesday, so I haven't lived here long. But it was a cozy place. It was quiet and not far from school. I threw myself on my bed and turned on the tv.

The first thing that popped up was the news. Not a surprise at all. Remembering the names I wrote, I sat up and listened closely. I wonder if they're talking about me yet.

Right as I was about to toon in, I got a text from light.

Hey, heard you got a new place.

Yeah, I really like it!

I told light about my new apartment, excited and smiling to myself.


so your all alone?

Honestly, no cuz Rem but I cant say that.

Yeah, it's really quiet. I
dont mind though.

I see...we'll have to
change that..

Huh? Wdym?

Light ignored my question though.

Okay, just wanted to check
on you. Call if you need anything.

And that was the end of the conversation. The news was on a new topic so I just went to bed.

💀Annnnnddddd Cut! See Ya! 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now