💀 Juggling 💀

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💀make a girl wanna speak Spanish~ or in the case of anime, Japanese💀

Immediately after my classes, Light took me to get something to eat, and we met up with the detectives to discuss the Kira case. I can't say I was happy to be here but I was excited to see Matsuda again. After he first dropped me off at the hospital, he didn't come back. He said it was because he didn't want to disturb my sleeping or get in the way but I think it was because of Light. I'm not sure if he said anything to Matsuda but I'm sure Matsuda got the vibe from him either way.

When Light opened the door, I didn't hesitate to run over to Matsuda. I tackled him onto the couch, hugging him. We both fell into an contagious laughter. L and Light just stared along with the other detectives. I got up and sat properly next to Matsuda.

" I missed you idiot! Why haven't you text me?" I said, punching Matsuda's arm playfully.

"I know, I missed you too! I've just been busy helping Ryuzaki with the case."

Matsuda had a light blush on his face and he wore his usual cute smile. I could tell Light was trying to be on his best behavior and not show his jealousy but his face gave him away. Don't get me wrong, Light has a very good poker face, but he can't hide his emotions from me. Whenever he gets uncomfortable or jealous, his eyebrow twitches slightly.

I wanted to laugh and tease Light more but I couldn't get out of character.

Light and I had a deal with L. We made it after we realized our lie of pretending to only be friends wouldn't work because Light, jealous as always, told him we were dating back when we met him at the college. Very few people on campus even knew we were dating. Not because we were shy or ashamed or anything. It was because of Light's crazy ass fangirls.

Apparently we told the wrong group of people, since Misa ended up being one of those crazy girls. I had a feeling she liked Light but Light convinced me that she wasn't a threat.

He was obviously WRONG.

Anyways, only L knows that were officially dating. Mr.Yagami has his suspicions but he doesn't act on them. At most he teases us but nothing more.

"Well how far have you guys gotten since I left?"

Everyone sighed at the same time and shook their heads in disappointment.

"I'm afraid we haven't made much progress." Mr. Yagami spoke up.

"Yeah, were kinda stuck. We've already done so much. I mean with the cameras and sending out the FBI, what do we do now?" Matsuda rubbed the back of his head as he spoke.

"Well, do we have any leads? On either of the Kira's?" I asked.

"Yes... We suspect Light Yagami." L or Ryuzaki finally spoke.

"Well yeah I know that but-" He cut me off.

"And You, miss (l/n) are suspected of being the second Kira." L bit into a piece of cake as he finished speaking.

I wasn't really surprised but it still hurt to have L suspect me. And he said "we" so I'm sure he's referring to everyone else in the room besides me and my boyfriend. My heart sunk. I hope Matsuda believes me at least. I mean, I can't be too offended because they're not wrong.

"Oh okay... I guess that makes sense." I leaned back on the couch.

I sat quietly until I thought of an ally.

"Wait! I was in the hospital for almost a week and the second kira still killed right? In the condition I was in, I couldn't have possibly been able to kill people." I chirped, happily.

"That is true, but that doesn't mean Light, the potential first Kira, couldn't have done the killing for you."

"That's fair but how can we know if he did kill for me if we don't even know how the Kira's kill in the first place? How can we even tell which Kira kills whom?"

The room fell silent because they knew I was right.

"Well they do have slightly different killing patterns so that would tell us whose killing who." L spoke again.

"Yeah but if they're working together whose to say they're not purposely making different killing patterns to make you think just that? If we assume that the second Kira has been killing for a shorter amount of time than the orginal, how do we conclude that the orginal isn't acting as a mentor? Or how do we even know that it's two Kira's and not just the one? What if that's his way of throwing us off track?"

I spoke with my head held high. I felt smart with all that I said.

Ryuzaki's eyes grew big, like he wasn't expecting me to make such valid points. Light just stood in the corner of the room nodding his head in approval. Everyone else looked to L, waiting his response.

That response never came.

"Looks like I make you speechless, L." I smirked. That was a line I stole from Light.

💀After the meeting 💀

I stretched out my arms with a yawn and cracked my back. I waved goodbye to everyone and started to walk to my job. Light usually walks me but had to go home and study for an upcoming quiz. I don't mind though.

I worked at an ice cream shop. My job was to take orders and make rolled ice cream. Honestly, I enjoyed it. I really liked rolling the ice cream because I got to play with it and mix different things in it. It was like making mud pie, only your allowed to play and add things.

I had a pretty busy schedule. Everyday, I go to college, eat with Light, meet with L and Matsuda, work, study, eat dinner, shower, sleep, repeat. I guess that's one thing, the only thing I miss about being in the hospital, being lazy all day long.

But you gotta do what you gotta do. I have bills to pay, not to mention my college tuition.

💀Later on at home 💀

I decided to take a quick shower and eat dinner before my two hour study. It was already 8:30 by time I finished just those two things. I knew it was going to be a long night once I realized I probably won't be getting much sleep today. Great, I hope I don't fall asleep in class tomorrow.

I sighed, and got straight to it.

💀no but seriously... can someone tell me what the song says? I keep replaying it. ngl... kinda wanna rewatch in spanish 💀

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