💀Cuddles and Nightmares 💀

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Light pulled away from me and unlocked the door to my house. I yawned almost the same moment I walked in.

"Sleepy already? It's only 8." Light said in a teasing tone.

"No!" I practically yelled back.

"Haha sure. Hand me your coat."

I slowly took off my coat and handed it to Light, who put both our coats on the coat hanger.

I yawned again and Light chuckled.

"C'mon let's get you to bed. " he lightly pushed me forward with his hand on my lower back.

"Nooo I want to stay up a little longer with you. I like the little moments like these. We dont get them often." I whined.

I was never clingy or pouty because I, myself find that annoying. But for some reason I really craved Light's attention right now.

"I told you, you have me all day tommorow. So go get some rest, if you need me I'll be on the couch." I could tell he didnt want to evade my privacy or personal space.

I loved that he was respectful but that's not what I wanted right now.

"No, come sleep with me tonight."

Light's  eyebrows slightly raised up.

"Are you sure? It's been awhile sense we last slept in the same bed."

"Yes Light, I'm sure. Trust me, if I was bothered by it, I wouldn't have asked."


Light walked me to my room and helped me under the covers. I laid on my side and felt Light scoot close behind me. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me into his warm embrace. I smiled and turned around to face him.

"I love you, Light." My voice was low, almost a whisper.

"I love you too, now get some sleep."

I snuggled my nose closer to his chest and wrapped my arms around his lower back.

I slowly drifted off as Light played with my hair. He hummed a calming song and that was all I could remember before my eyes closed.

💀dream 💀

I was walking when I  suddenly  heard people yelling.



"He got what he deserved!"

I walked over to see what al the noise was about only to find my dearest boyfriend, Light Yagami, tied to a tree.
It was a horrible sight. His white dress shirt was now dyed red... from his blood. He looked as if he was brutally beaten and than shot 6 times.

His face was black and blue and barely recognizable. I ran over screaming his name only to find that he was already gone.

Just like that. The love of my life was no longer with me. I'll  never see that evil smile of his again or hear his lovely laugh. I sobbed as I fell to knees.

"Light! Please dont go!" I hugged his legs desperately wanting a response.

"That must be her! His apprentice! Kill her at once!"

"No! Wait!" I called out the people that surrounded me but my words only went from one ear and out the other.

"Light! Light! Please get us out of here! C'mon I know you can do it! Use that big brain on yours!" I yelled at my boyfriends dead corpse.

"Please... Light... Come back... Light.." I sobbed.

💀back to reality💀

"Light... Light... Light!" I gasped as I woke up. It took me a second to realize I was only dreaming. It was dark and the only light source was the moonlight shining through the window.

"Shush... it's  okay, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere it was just a bad dream."

Hearing his voice made my heart melt. I felt at ease. I quickly wrapped my arms around him and squeezed him.

"Light..." I buried my face into his neck as he hugged be back and patted my hair gently.

"It's  alright, relax."

His word were comforting and I felt myself relax into his arms. Light backed away slightly, and kissed my forehead.

"Everything's gonna be okay. Just go back to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up.

Hearing those words, I pulled myself closer to him and slowly drifted off. I thought of happy memories with Light to avoid anymore nightmares.

Before I was fully asleep  I heard ight whisper,"Sweet dreams, I love you."

💀ok ahhhh I'm so excited rn it might be more than 3 chapters that I uodate rn cuz I can't lose these ideas 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now