💀 Apologies 💀

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Almost immediately after he faced me, he realized I was crying. He froze in his tracks.

💀Light POV 💀

When I turned around to see if ryuk was messing with me, I quickly came realize he was serious. (Y/n) was sitting on my bed crying. Even with her hair hiding her eyes, I could still see the droplets coming from her face.

Guilt struck me instantly. What was I saying? How could I let my emotions control me? I didn't mean to hurt her... I just let my anger take control.

"I-I'm sorry (y/n), I shouldn't have said that. I let my feelings take over. I didn't mean it." I was genuinely sorry.
"Its ok, " her voice was shaky, " I should've known not to get my hopes up. It's my fault for making you angry. " she said, holding back tears.

What did she mean "get her hopes up"? Did she like me? I blushed and covered my mouth at this thought. I had finally come to realize why she means so much to me. It's been bothering me for weeks, trying figure out what this feeling was. I never felt this way towards someone before.

I just felt the urge to protect her. Never allow her to get hurt. And yet, I'm the one that hurt her. I just wanted to make her happy. I loved to see that smile on her face. That cute laugh she does when she's nervous. I can't believe I'm saying this but... I think, I have feelings for her.

While I was in thought ryuk butt  in, distracting me, " I thought you said "sorry" wouldn't cut it? So now it does when you say it?" Ryuk smiled, knowing that he was instigating and frustrating me even further.

I glared at him, letting my face say "shut up" for me

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I glared at him, letting my face say "shut up" for me. He wasn't wrong though. I need to fix this.

💀 (y/n) POV 💀

I just sat there, listening. I didnt take light's apology seriously. It didnt feel as  if he meant it. Instead, it felt the exact opposite, as if he just wanted to hurry up and get me to stop crying. It seemed he just wanted to get this over with, and go back to normal.

Yeah like I'd let that happen after he just rejected me before I even confessed. He did it in a rude manner too! Before my sadness could turn to anger, light came up to me. I turned away, I was now angry.

He sighed, "Your so bipolar, I said I was sorry." I huffed, still angry. I was a bit embarrassed by his comment, I wanted to laugh but I'm supposed to be mad right now. I failed to hide my grin.

"I see that grin on your face." Light smiled. I tried my hardest to hold a poker face. I was still facing the other way. Light leaned close to my face. He put his pointer finger and thumb on my chin, holding my face.

I blushed at his gentle touch. He moved my face, to look him in the eye, "Forgive me....." I was confused for the millisecond before he brought his lips to mine. I now knew what he meant.

His lips were soft, warm. It was a gentle touch. I closed my eyes, and leaned into the kiss. I was going to enjoy it while it last, sense I dont know when or if I'll get another.

He parted from our kiss and asked, "Am I forgiven now? Or do I need to kiss you again?" I couldn't tell if he was teasing or flirting. Either way my face turned bright red at his question. 

I decided to play along. "Hmm~ I'm not sure, maybe I need  another? Just to be sure. " I grinned. Light smiled before landing another kiss on my lips. Ryuk of course had to ruin the moment, " How many times am I gonna have to hear the smack of your lips touching? Its grossing me out"

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up ryuk" light said, annoyed. "You don't have to watch you know, you could always leave." I added.  Ryuk just shrugged and went for another apple, light had in his room.

💀Finally getting some action💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now