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💀Light POV 💀

Once I got back from the store, I gave Ryuk his apples to keep him busy and sat at my desk. I had a lot to think about. I needed to find a way to get both Rem and L out of the way. I needed to kill both and get away with it. But how exactly could I kill two birds with one stone?

What can I do to kill the detective without seeming suspicious? I'm already suspected of being Kira and being around L as often as I am, I'll automatically be questioned. I need to find a way to make myself look innocent.

As for the shinigami... I'll have to take advantage of their feelings for Y/n. It's a shock that the damned thing is still breathing. Ryuk said that shinigami's die if they fall for a human. There's no doubt that Rem has a soft spot for Y/n. There must be more to it than Ryuk is letting on, or that he knows. Could it be an act of love that kills the shinigami?

No, that sounds like some stupid fairy tail.

Even with L and Rem bothering me, they're not even my biggest concern. I'm mostly worried about my relationship with Y/n. If I do succeed in exterminating these pests, how will it effect our relationship? I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to doubt the strength of our "love ". It's too easy for us to have a disagreement.

We only face minor problems, yet they hold major impacts on us. I still love Y/n and I refuse to let her go that easily. I'll do my best to make the relationship workout but I'm not sure that she will.

I don't want to go through all this hassle for someone that isn't willing to do the same for me.

Would she even consider it?

Would she kill innocent others, just to be able to call me hers?

Before I would've answered yes, without hesitation. But now? I'm not so sure. I'm starting to believe that she's willing to kill me to keep this shinigami around. I hate that I have to feel concerned about such things but that's what it's come to.

I shook my head in attempt to make these thoughts fade away.

I held my pen in hand, deathnote in front of me. My foot tapped on the floor as anxiety ran through my body.

What if I lose her?

What if I mess up?

I had never felt this way before. Normally I could easily think of and go through with a plan. But not now, not this time. There was too much at stake. I could lose the one I love most. My life is on the line, sure it's always had been, but this is the first time the risk actually hit me. I couldn't really care less about that though. I just... don't want to lose her.

"Would you stop that?! It's annoying and I'm trying to eat in peace!" Ryuk complained.

"What are you talking about?" I spoke in a sharp tone.

"Tapping your foot on the floor, no one wants to hear that!"

"Oh shut up Ryuk."

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

I looked at my deathnote, more conflicted than ever. This is the first time throughout this entire 'Kira' case, that I've actually been lost. I have no idea as to what my next move should be. All I know is that I can't do anything stupid.

God I wish our relationship wasn't so complicated.

I sat for awhile in silence. I had to do something and fast. I can't risk Rem getting any closer to Y/n than they already are. And the longer I sit here thinking, the longer the shinigami is alone with her.

I looked over at the pen in my hand, then back to my deathnote.

"I got it."

"Hm?" Ryuk questioned.

"I know how we're going to bring an end to Rem."


"We remind them of their purpose."

"What's that exactly?"

"To write names."

💀Your POV💀
After my short breakdown, Rem tried hard to cheer me up by distracting me. They forced me to play board games, and refused to allow me to frown. We watched movies and ate ice cream too. I was happy with this short time with Rem. It was comforting to know that I had someone that would always be there for me.

I was laughing at Rem as I watched them impersonate L. Rem sat in an weird position, just like the detective. They brought their thumb to their mouth before saying,

"You have any cake?"

I let out a giggle as I looked at the black eyeliner Rem smudged under their eyes.

"There is a 60% chance that you, Light Yagami, are Kira."

I smiled at the shinigami.

"Rem... you're awesome."

💀Light POV💀

"We'll have them do our dirty work." I smirked.

After explaining to Ryuk, exactly what my plan was, I turned to look at him. I held my chin high, I was proud of myself. I trusted the idea I had come up with.

"Haha this should be quite the show." Ryuk smiled.

💀sorry if this sucked ik it's not how I normally do things it feels like a messy chapter but it was rushed cuz I realized I updated late I'll try not to rush the next one💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now