💀dealing with amane💀

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💀Light POV 💀

When I left the hospital, I was slightly distracted. I couldn't get my mind off of (y/n). After teasing her so much, my mind was in the gutter to say the least.

I had to focus. I have something I need to get done today. I have to keep my promise of taking care of  whoever sent my girlfriend to the hospital in the first place.

Before I could do anything though, I had to find out where she was. I thought of the description (y/n) gave me while I walked home.

She has blond hair and blue-ish brown eyes....

I thought of all my "fangirls" as (y/n) puts it, and narrowed it down to all the blonds first. Then I thought of who would actually have the balls to do something like this. With that, I could only think of one person.

The culprits face in mind, I rushed to my house and went straight to my room. I didn't  pay any attention to Ryuk who was complaining  about something, probably ran out of apples again.

I locked the door and went to grab the deathnote.

(Y/n) said she wanted it to be painful... How far can I go with the deathnote? Honestly  I wish I could do things on my own but that would be too risky.

While I was thinking, I tapped my pen on my chin.

"Hey!" Ryuk barked at me.

I only ignored him and continued thinking.





"LIGHT" Ryuk finally  yelled, successfully getting my attention.


That was the first time I turned to look at him sense I got here. Just glancing at him made me want to  laugh, I couldn't take him seriously. Apparently I haven't gave him enough apples because his body was all bent up. He looked like someone folded him into a pretzel or attempted to tie him in a knot.

"Pft" I accidentally let out.

"Hey! Don't  laugh! This is your fault! You left me here all alone, with only one apple, ONE" I could hear the frustration in his voice.

"Okay, sorry. I've been distracted lately with (y/n) being in the hospital."

I raised my hands  in surrender.

"I'll  get you some when I finish this..."

"I need them NOW!" Ryuk demanded.

"Sad story because you're  going to have to wait." I said wearing a smirk.

"Wow.. what did I do to you Light? Why must you torture me like this? You know how I get without my apples, you SEE how it is!" Ryuk whined in defeat.

"Yeah... but it's funny so I think I'll  enjoy this a little longer." I paused.

"Though it's hard to enjoy with all your complaining." I turned back in my chair, looking forward, away from Ryuk.

Ryuk smirked for a second before yelling,
"Oh PLEASE get me my apples!~ I don't  know how much longer I'll  last like this! I might just go insane!"

He acted as if he was going to die.

"I know what you doing and that's not going to work Ryuk." I said calmly.

Ryuk continued to complain dramatically  for another 10 minutes before I gave in and decided to get him apples.

"Sense you'll  just DIE without them, I'll  be back." I spoke in a sarcastic tone.


💀Time skipppp💀

When I got back, Ryuk was waiting for me right at the door. He didn't even give me a chance to get in the house before asking,

"How many did you get?! I hope you got a lot!"

"I did! Shut up!" I snapped, getting annoyed.

I threw an apple straight to his mouth, and walked to my room,dropping the bag on my bed.

Ryuk ate the apple whole and rushed over to eat the next one.

I made my way back to desk and  got right back to work.

"Hey Ryuk, are there any limits as to what I can do to a person before they die?" I asked spinning around to face the shinigami.

"Huh? Nope-ph I alrea-be togh you all da rules." He spoke with a mouth full of apples.

"You keep swallowing them down like that, you're  not gonna have anymore. And I'm not going back to the store today."

I turned back to my desk and thought of the most brutal thing I could do to (y/n)'s attacker.

I thought of hitting her with a car but thats  too fast and simple. 

I thought of torturing her by slowly removing each limb but I would need to kill someone else to get them to torture her.

After awhile of brainstorming, I decided on how I would punish her.

💀 my bad ik im late but i've been busy with spanish class 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now