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💀A Few Days Before Rem POV 💀 

Without her knowing, I followed Y/n to her college. I knew she wanted me to stay at her apartment but I couldn't help be curious as to why. Why would she suddenly make such a request. Normally she wants me to go to keep her company even if we can't talk in public. 

So what makes today different? Unless shes trying to patch things up that boyfriend of hers. I have to make sure she doesn't. It would be pointless if they made up. It never lasts. I don't understand why we can't just scribble his name and be done with it. 

At first I saw no purpose of killing Light, despite him being the nuisance he is.  I figured his life had some value sense Y/n cared about him so much but all he does his make her cry. And I hate it. I hate the sight of her tears, the sound of her whimpers. I hate how he has such great affect on her. 

He's broken her heart one too many times. I'm tired of this never ending cycle. I only wish that Y/n could see the toxic relationship she's trapped in. But of course she doesn't. Her feelings are the only thing keeping me from killing Light. 

I care for her too much to be the cause of her tears. Light claims to love her but he's the only reason I've ever seen her cry. I would never allow her to frown if she were with me.

Based off of the determined look on Y/n's face, I'm almost certain she's planning on seeing him today. The only question is when. I can guess what she'll say from all the times she's apologized before. 

Just as normal she'll blame herself and make him seem innocent. As if he did nothing wrong, when he's everything that's wrong. I have to put my feelings aside for now though, to make sure she doesn't notice me. 

Throughout the entire day I follow Y/n to her classes until her classes are over.  I thought that she would approach him during lunch but she didn't. That only leads me to believe that she'll approach Light after school. 

💀After School💀 

Just as I expected, she went after Light once her classes ended. I watched as she continuously called out his name, to which he didn't react. 

Take that as a sign to leave, forget about him Y/n. 

 Y/n called for Light one final time, and he finally reacted. He turned around with that annoying smirk of his. Y/n quickly caught up with him and started apologizing. To no surprise, she balmed herself and begged for forgiveness. 

I hate how she keeps saying sorry after he already forgave her. She shouldn't be the one apologizing so much. It should be him. He should be down on his knees begging for Y/n only to have her reject him. 

I  would love to see that. 

I made eye contact with Ryuk when the two starting kissing, and we shared a nod before he took off. 

I followed Y/n and Light as they walked to her home. I was surprised that she wouldn't suggest going to his place, sense I would be expected to be there. I wonder what she was thinking, did she have a plan for if I showed up? Or did she forget about me completely? 

I sighed, thinking of how easily I'm put to the side whenever Light is around. I know it's not her fault though. Y/n is blinded by love, just as I am. I'll admit that she does try to include me though. I mean that's what caused problems between the couple in the first place. 

I hid in a corner, where I knew I wouldn't be spotted as the couple ate dinner, and watched movies. 

My heart stung a bit when Light pulled Y/n to his chest. His arms wrapped around her perfect frame. 

I wish I could do that with Y/n... 

If that wasn't enough, they had to mention their love for one another before dazing off. 


Y/n was the first to wake up and as usual, she went to her restroom to follow her morning routine. Only this time, she was interrupted by her boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his face on her shoulder. 

I cringed as he whined about Y/n leaving him alone and begged her to lay with him. 

Soon after the couple went out to have breakfast and went back to their normal schedule of classes.  They acted as of they never had a fall out. Crazy how fast they move on from things. I wish Y/n wasn't so forgiving, but that is partially why I started caring for her. 

💀 A few days Ahead, Ferris Day💀 

I spent that last few days watching the couple fall back into old habits. It was tiring and I found it hard not to speak to Y/n. But it was worth it. I figured it was only right to give her the alone time she deeply wanted with the one she loves. Even if she wasn't actually alone. 

She looked happy, and that brought a smile to my lips. Light had taken her out on a date to the ferris. She was constantly laughing throughout the day and her smile never fell. Her excitement was written all over her face as she ran from ride to ride. 

In my few days of watching Light and Y/n, I've noticed that something was off about Light. He wasn't his normal collected self. Not that I care what's nothering him though. Not unlesss it has to do with Y/n. 

I don't know if I'd be able to restrain myself if I had to watch him hurt her again. 

After their long day of rides and games, the couple ended the day with a ride on the ferris wheel. I admired the glow in Y/n's eyes as she starred off into the sunset. Her eyes looked so beautiful in that lighting. 

My small moment of enjoyment was cut short though. It was ruined when Y/n's and Light's talking turned into a make-out session. I didn't see it coming, and now I wished I hand't seen it. Light completely devoured Y/n and she didn't protest at all! 

I never seen her act this way or kiss this way. It was like Light excited her. Thankfully they were forced to stop by the ride's conclusion. They planned on getting something to eat and going home. But not before one of Light's cheesy lines. 

"I always expected  you to taste good, but your even sweeter than I could imagine. Makes me wonder what other flavors your hiding." 

I was disgusted at his wink. It pained my eyes to see his tongue so deep into Y/n's mouth and the thought of it wasn't pleasing either. 

💀Back Home💀 

When the couple finished eating and got home, Light had something to say. I only hope it doesn't hurt Y/n. It's only been a few days, he can't hurt her again so soon! 

"It's about Rem." 


💀I tried not to make this too long it was just meant to let you know that Rem has been there the whole time 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now