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💀Light pov💀

After thinking about how I should respond, I answered. "It would be quite amazing if Kira could not only can kill others without being there in person but also control his victims actions as well."

Y/n stayed quite, in thought. "That's not all, I think Kira also left a code to send a message to you Ryosaki." Y/n finally spoke up.

" Oh your right (y/n)! If you line these notes up side by side-" I was cut off by my girlfriend.

"And look at the first letter of every note it reveals a message." (Y/n) looked pretty proud as she said this. Me and (Y/n) spoke at the same time,"L, do you know gods of death  like apples?"

💀Your pov 💀
I couldn't help but smile to myself. I felt smart, like I was on light's level. This is definitely an improvement from the time when I almost gave us away to that lady. I sat up straight, proud of myself.

"Wrong" was all I heard Ryosaki say. What? How could we be wrong. "Huh?" I asked confused.

"There are actually four photographs. When we add this one.." Ryosaki pulled another photo from his pocket. "It reads, L did you know? Gods of death who love apples have red hands."

What! I don't remember leaving a fourth part of the message! I made the damn thing I would know! It was my idea to mock this weirdo in the first place!

💀Light POV 💀
A fake! The message doesn't even sound right anymore. I got defensive. "But seeing as I, we only had three photographs to work with, our dedication was perfect, wasn't it?"

"No it wasn't. The truth is there were four of them, if you would've figured that out, it would've been perfect." Ryosaki lied. This kind of frustrated me.

(Y/n) stood up, slamming her hands on the table. "Don't talk  like were idiots! How were we supposed to know there were four?! We assembled the message in the only way that it would make sense!"

This idiot...

"You didn't  let me finish.... You knew the message was incomplete but decided that there were only three notes, you didn't guess that there was a fourth. " Ryosaki spokecalmly, unfazed by (y/n)'s yelling.

(Y/n) growled getting ready to yell again. "Yeah? Well!- " I stopped her, grabbing her arm. She looked down at me, making eye contact. I simply shook my head and she got the message. (Y/n) sat back down, arms crossed, and huffed. She was clearly still angry but she'll get over it.

"We hadn't thought that far. Well whatever the case, it's not something that would lead to Kira. Besides, we all know that shinigami don't exist." I took a sip of my coffee. It seemed (y/n) got my hint and relaxed a bit. (Y/n) left me alone with Ryosaki to go to the restroom. Great.

He waited for her to leave before asking me,"Well if you were me, facing someone who might be Kira, how would you go about checking if he is really kira?"

I didn't have to think about my answer. "I would try to get him to say something not released to the public that only Kira would know. Like what you were doing right now."

"Amazing. I asked a few detectives that same question and they took a few minutes to answer, but you ... you immediately came up with an scenario. I'm impressed. You'll make a fine detective."

"Yeah, but the more impressive my answers, the more of a suspect I am of being kira." I smiled.

"Yes, it's about 3% now.  However, it's made me that much more determined to work with you, and your friend too that is if she's as smart as you are, on this investigation."

💀hey guys! I realized I haven't given you an update schedule, I  don't want to make any promises but I'll try to update 1 or 2 chapters every weekend💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now