💀Betrayal 💀

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💀hmm never watched sub... oh yeah! This chapter describes bloody scenes
so... if that makes you uncomfortable I don't  recommend but it's not really bad Misa just got what's coming to her 💀

💀Misa Pov💀

I watched Light pick out strange games I would have never guessed that he liked. They were weird but I was just happy to be with Light.

To think that girl is probably dead somewhere or in the hospital and instead of being with her, Light is with me.

She must not mean much to him, I might have a chance. I mean who wouldn't want to be with me? I'm  Misa Amane!

Light finished buying the games and we walked out.

"Interesting choices Light....."

"Yeah, I gotta go to the bathroom so stay here."

Aww I don't want to be separated from him but I guess I should let him handle his business...


"Oh wait, actually give me your bags."

Light's  been kind of off today.

"Why would you need them in the bathroom?"

"I'm your date, it would be rude to have you carry your bags."

That makes sense I guess.

"Oh your such a gentleman Light." I giggled.

I watched Light walk to the bathroom and waited patiently for his return. I let my mind run wild so I wouldn't  get bored.

I hope he wasn't planning on doing pervy with my clothes. I giggled to myself, I wouldn't  exactly care if I'm the one in his mind.

I heard loud footsteps that seemed to be getting closer and closer. It sounded like they were running at me. I looked up to see a man dressed suspiciously running in my direction.

He looked like some crackhead that was going to ask for money to smoke. I tried to ignore him but I was getting ansty as he got closer.

"Hey pretty girl~"

I looked away from him, I don't  have time to deal with him. I'm on a date with Light right now.

"Aww don't  ignore me, are you here all alone?~" The man's  words were slurred like he was drunk.

"I'm  on a date actually."

"Ooh where's your boyfriend? He must not be too great to leave a lovely lady like yourself waiting.~"

He stepped closer, his hands behind his back.

"No he's  really awesome actually." I corrected.

"Think he's  better than me?"

The man gave me a nasty smile, trying to look his best.

"Yes! Way better Light is-"

The man suddenly frowned and looked angry.

"I was hoping you wouldn't say that..."

"I mean you wanted the truth-"

The man cut me off by stabbing something into my stomach.

My eyes grew big in shock as I coughed up blood on my hand. I looked down  to see my black shirt staining in red.

The man before me smiled widely and  removed the knife.

"I hate to hurt a beauty like you, I really do..."

I tried to scream but he cut me off by stabbing me again. This time in my cheek. I couldn't move, I was paralyzed by pain. My face! Oh my gosh what will Light think when he sees me?!

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now