💀At First Sight💀

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"In the year of ...", my teacher began class.

Blah blah blah it's the same thing every day, it's old now. Being smart and having good grades and all may sound good but it's no fun at all! It's boring, nothing exciting ever happens. Day after day, eat , sleep, study, it's a never ending process until graduation. And you know what you do after you graduate? STUDY SOME MORE! I'm growing tired of this I wanna have some fun! Make some friends, and enjoy life while I'm young!

I began to look around the class room, looking for someone interesting, someone I could enjoy myself with. As I scanned the room, I noticed some guy staring off out the window. He looked just as bored as I was. It seems the teacher noticed too as she asked, "Light, I know you know these things already but could you atleast try to look interested?" All he did in response was glance at her, before turning back to the window.

I didn't realize that I was starring at him but he must of noticed because he faced me, giving me a small grin

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I didn't realize that I was starring at him but he must of noticed because he faced me, giving me a small grin. His smile caught me off guard and made me blush out of embarrassment.

I hope he doesn't think I'm weird for starring at him like that.

He seemed nice enough though. Maybe I'll approach him after class, hopefully make a friend. I'm not very good at that. I hate how awkward I could be. But today I'm gonna try! I WILL make a friend! I became motivated. Now I REALLY couldn't wait for class to end!

Once the bell rang I waited for everyone to leave before I went up to Light. I figured it would be easier to approach him while he was alone. Now was the best time, none of his friends were around him. I slowly approached him, I was kinda nervous. "Hey Light..", I started. He looked up at me while he was gathering his things, preparing to leave class.

"Oh hey......youuu" it was obvious he didn't know my name. I couldn't blame him though, this was my first time talking to him. " I noticed how bored you looked in class, and I was wondering... if um" I paused, beginning to regret my decision to talk to him.

He just stood there waiting for me to finish. His brown eyes looking into mine. " ....If you want to hang out sometime, and you know have some fun?" I asked, my voice shaky. He thought for a moment. " Sure, I have nothing better to do but study anyway."

I couldn't help but sigh in relief. " So what did you have in mind?" He asked me with sudden interest in his eyes. "I don't know maybe we could... go to the arcade some time?"

"Cool with me, we can go tomorrow if that's okay with you, I already have plans for today"

"Uh.. yeah that works, see you tomorrow then!" I started to walk off but Light stopped me, grabbing my arm. "Sorry but I didn't quite get your name?" Light seemed a bit embarrassed . I laughed, "Its (y/n) "

💀Later on with Light 💀

I was walking home, thinking of my day at school. The girl (y/n) seemed nice, not like all the other girls. She seemed genuine, not at all like shes trying to get a boyfriend. Hopefully I'm right, fangirls can get annoying.

💀That's all for now see you next update! 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now