💀Maybe Next Time💀

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I woke up and found myself wrapped in Light's arms firmly. He held me like he never wanted to let go. I brought my hand to his face, and slowly moved my way up to his forehead. I brushed his stray hairs off his face and kissed his cheek.


He grunted.

"Light." I called once more.

He hummed, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Time to get up."

"Ngh stay here a little longer."

"No come on..."

Light moved his way down and nuzzled his faces on my chest.

"I'm still tired and I need my pillow.... stay here with me." He hugged me tighter, threatening not to let go.

"No I have to get in the shower, I'm all sweaty." I admitted.

"Nghhh fine!" Light grunted and released me. But he didnt get up, he just turned over and went back to sleep. Rolling my eyes I got in the shower.

💀Time skip💀

I walked out of the bathroom in an oversized shirt and sweatpants. I smelt "breakfast food" and made my way to the kitchen. But light wasn't there. Figuring he was in my room, I walked over, only to find that he want there either.

Where is he? No way he would leave without saying anything. I walked back to the kitchen and found a note by a plate of my favorite meal for breakfast.

I sighed, already guessing that it meant Light had to go handle "Kira business". The note read:

Hey, (y/n) I'm sorry to leave without speaking with you but you didnt hear me calling you in the shower and I didnt want to walk in on you. I made you, your favorite breakfast and made the bed. The task force called and I have to help out with some things. And later on I have school work to catch up on so I'm afraid we'll  have to cancel today's plans. I'm so sorry baby. I know how much it meant to you and I promise to make  up for it! I just completely  forgot about the things I had to handle today. I'll stop by later if I can.

-Love Light

I cant say I'm surprised. I dont know why I let myself get excited. I cant be mad at him though because I know it's not his fault.

I decided to just watch anime while I ate. I thought about what I could do today sense it was my day off and I clearly wouldn't be spending it with light.

Rem hasn't really been around sense our little fight.  But I'm sure they'll come around and we can make up later.

After finishing  breakfast, I washed the dishes and walked around my house, in search of something to do. My house pretty much stayed clean so there were no chores for me to do. And I already had kills scheduled for the month in my deathnote so I couldn't do that either.

I  fell on my couch as boredom struck.

"What to do, what to do..." I spoke to myself, thinking out loud. That's when it hit me. Theres this new show I want to binge. That's what I can do today!

I turned on my tv and got everything ready to watch my show. All I needed to do was get my snacks. I walked to my kitchen with a bounce in my step out of excitement to watch the new show.

I opened my freezer to find... no icecream. Okay, maybe theres some chips..... okay no chips either.
I sighed and went to my back up stash of snacks. Nothing. My kitchen stock was empty. How did I not notice this before? What have I been eating?

As I questioned myself, I realized I had been eating out a lot. And if I wasn't eating out, I was eating instant noodles or frozen pizza.

"Yeah... sounds like it's time to go grocery shopping."

Normally I wouldn't feel like going grocery shopping but today I had nothing better to do.

I got dressed, and headed out.

💀see ya in a sec 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now