💀Deadly Secrets💀

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While I sat in class, I was replaying the night before in my head. "There are  some people you can't kill" I found this interesting. How come Kira couldn't kill him? What's the difference between Lind L Tailor and L? Was it because his identity was out there? Or because he was on tv? They did say Kira killed well known criminals. They all had to be on tv right? Maybe that's the reason he couldn't kill L. No but L was on tv too.  I couldn't figure out this puzzle and it bothered me. I was ruffling my hair in frustration.

" Um are you okay Ms.(L/n) ?" My teacher looked concerned. "Hm? Oh yeah I was just trying to figure out something." I gave her a reassuring smile. " Don't be afraid to ask for help" I could hear the concern in my teacher's voice.  I gave her a nod and went back to my thoughts.

💀later on 💀

Light invited me  to his house, he said there's something he wanted to talk to me about. I wonder what it is. I thought of possibilities on the way there. Haha maybe he'll confess his love to me. I joked to myself. Wait what if he did like me? The idea kinda makes me happy. Wait I don't like him! Hes just a friend. What was I thinking?  I reassured myself.

Not long after my embarrassing thoughts I reached Light's house. I knocked at the door and was greeted by Sayu. She seemed happy to see me. "Hey (y/n)!" She smiled. "Hey where's Light?" My question made her grin. "LIGHT YOUR GIRLFRIENDS HERE" she yelled in a teasing manner. I was slightly taken aback by her words. 

I blushed at the idea but quickly brushed it off.  Light yelled coming down stairs, "Shes not my girlfriend!" Light came down to find me waiting for him. "Hey, (y/n) you can follow me to my room." He gestured up stairs. "Oooooh" Sayu teased. "Just.. shut up" Light sounded annoyed. I could see a faint creeping blush on his face. 

Once we got to his room he quickly turned and locked the door behind him. That kinda me uncomfortable. "So what did you want to talk about? " I asked. "There's something I think you should know..." he started. "But first, can I trust you? You see what I'm about to tell you, you can't repeat to anyone else."

This sounds serious. I hope everything is okay, I thought to myself. "Yeah of course you can! Were friends right?" He seemed a little bothered at my comment of being friends. "Yeah... I don't know how to put it, so I'll just plain out tell you, " he walked over and whispered in my ear.
"I am kira"

His words shocked me. I couldn't tell is he was serious, so I played it off as a joke. "Haha very funny Light...." It looked as if he was watching my reaction closely. "I'm not joking" he was serious. "Is this why you asked my opinion on Kira earlier?"

💀flashback to school  lunch💀
Me and Light were eating in our usual spot at the lunch tables.  He suddenly asked me a serious question, catching me off guard. "(Y/n), what do you think of Kira?" I thought for a second, and answered him honestly.

"I like him, I mean I'm a fan. If it comes down to L or Kira, I'd pick Kira. " Light look surprised but satisfied with my answer.  "May I ask why?" I then explained my hatred for L and my understanding for Kira. Light seemed pleased by my opinions, and told me to meet him at his house later because  he had something to tell me. I was curious all day about it.

💀Light pov💀
I went somewhere where I could be alone with Ryuk. "So, what's your plan?" He asked "I'll tell her that I'm Kira and see how she reacts" "And if she reacts poorly?" "I'll kill her before she can say anything." I explained.

💀Ryuk pov💀
Light didn't seem happy at the idea of killing this girl. Though he looked serious. How interesting... While we walked to his house Light explained that he would lie to the girl, assuming she was okay with him being Kira , and tell her that the moment she tried to tell anyone of the deathnote , she would die. "Not a bad idea, but what if she looks in the book, and doesn't find that rule? Or questions why you could speak of the book with dying?" I asked him curious to see how this would work out. Light is  pretty smart, I'm glad he's the one who picked up my note. " Easy, I'll simply tell her only the owner can speak of the notebook. As for the rule, I'll simply add a rule of my own."

💀 Present in your POV 💀
Light explained that he asked me as a test to see if he would even try to tell me about the deathnote. He also said he was going to lie and tell me about a fake rule but decided to trust I wouldn't say anything. I found all of this interesting. The deathnote, the shinigami, and how Light found the book, I couldn't help but wonder what would've happened if I was the one to find the book instead....

💀this seemed pretty long looks like a good place to end this chapter.... till next time!💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now