💀The Deal💀

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"I want to make the deal." 

Before I could even finish my sentence, Rem was already shaking their head no. 


"C'mon Rem! I know how it sounds but I've thought this out, I promise. I have everything sorted out so we can all get our happy endings, away from the deathnote!" 

I tried to persuade Rem, but they weren't budging. 

"I can't allow that Y/n. All you'll be doing is taking my place. Can't you see that you're trying to sacrifice yourself for a demon and a lunatic?" 

Rem talked to me in such a tone that  made it sound like a lecture. Their  words that made it sound like what I wanted to do was just the dumbest idea.

"I know but I don't care! I love you guys and besides, it wont kill me. It only takes half of my remaining lifespan." 

"That's true but-" 

"But nothing! This is the best option because it means none of us have to die besides L. And no one cares about him! If I do this, I can save all three of us so please let me." 

When I finished speaking, I realized Rem was somewhat right. This conversation was just like last night but reversed. I now understood Rem's dedication to sacrifice  themselves on my behalf.  

"NO! Y/n, I'm not making the eye deal with you! I hate to say it but you sound stupid right now! Just as you feel, that you can't let me sacrifice myself for you, is how I feel right now! I don't like to lecture you, but I have to point out when you're about to do something you'll regret.... Sorry for raising my voice... I only want to look out for you." 

My eyes widened in shock when Rem raised their voice, but it was cute when they apologized at the end. 

"I understand but I have to do this, even if you don't want me to. If I can't make the deal with you, then I'll just go elsewhere." 

I was stubborn and wanted to stick to the plan that I had come up with. So I gathered my things and headed to Light's house. 

"I need to pay Ryuk a visit, I'll be back." 

I closed the door behind me, and walked to the store. I doubt Ryuk will reject me but just in case, a little apple bribery won't hurt. 

💀Light POV💀 

After I left Y/n's house last night, I thought of everything that happened. I felt bad for lashing out on her because of an misunderstanding. It ate me up all night. I wish I could take it back but I know I can't so I'll just try to make it up to her. 

I just couldn't hold back my anger when I saw the shinigami. Just the idea of more secrets pissed me off. But I know now that I wasn't being fair to Y/n. Still though, I think my plan to kill both the shinigami and L was a good one. But I'll forget about it sense I know Y/n cares too much about Rem to allow them to die. 

When I arrived to my and Y/n's college, I was surprised not to see her. I put it to the side though, figuring that I would see her between classes. 

As time went by, and I had already had most of my classes, I grew concerned. It was lunch time and I still have yet to see Y/n. Normally by now we would've pasted each other a few times. I sat at our usual table, waiting for her... but she never came. 

I started to get nervous the more I waited. Where could she be? I know she would never ditch her classes, because she just  told me she refused to. So that wasn't even a possibility. What if she ran into trouble on her way here? What if someone kidnapped her? 

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now