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💀Light might seem a bit OOC in these next few chapters but that's because I feel like anyone would struggle to be themselves with such activities going on. 💀  

💀Light POV💀

I stayed in the same spot on Y/n's living room floor as I heard the police drive off with her. I struggled to wrap my head around what was happening. How could this be real? I was just with her... and now? She's gone... being taken away from me... ripped from my arms and forced into a cramped cop car. 

Anger flooded through my veins as I thought about the events that took place just minutes ago. 

I have to do something. 

There has to be something I can do to help her.  

My father popped into my head, and I knew exactly what to do. 

I quickly gathered myself on my feet and ran out the door, not even bothering to grab my things. I needed to hurry and get home. I had to catch my father before it was too late, he has  to be able to help. It only makes sense.... Right? 

I rushed over to my home of the past few years. Once I stood in front of the door, I hurriedly formed my hand into a fist and pounded on the door. 

It wasn't long before my mother came to open the door. 

"Light! Why are you trying to break my door down?! Don't you have a house key?!" she lectured. 

"Yes but I left it at Y/n's!" 

Before my mother had a chance to utter so much as a word, I pushed past her and looked for my father. 


"What is it?!" I heard my father's voice yell from the kitchen. 

I ran to meet him, with a panicked expression written across my face. 

"I need- I need your help!" 

I struggled to speak as I caught my breath. 

"Light what's wrong with you? You're so pale!" 

"It's.. Y/n." 

My father's face turned into an expectant one when I mentioned my girlfriend's name. It was as if he knew I would come to him about this. 

"She was arrested, they're saying she's kira! I know she's not, you have to help me! If she was I would've known by now don't you think? I'm always with her! She can't be responsible!" I put on my usual innocent act. 

"Light.." My dad sighed, pinching the bridge of nose. 

"I was the one she confessed to. " 

My eyes widened in shock. 


"I know it's hard to believe, hard to see the one you love in such a state. But she admitted to it, she's guilty." 

"No! She's not, I'm telling you dad! You have to believe me!"

"Light, I want to believe that she isn't just as much as you do. I like Y/n...but there's nothing we can do now. She's already confessed and she's already in the custody of the police. I can't help you." 

"But you can! You just have to tell them that she's lying! They'll believe you! Please dad, I can't have her taken away from me! Not like this! Not now! Not ever!" 

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach as I grew nervous. The conversation with my father wasn't going as I thought it would. I desperately needed him. There was no other way to bring Y/n back to my arms. 

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now