💀A Date with L💀

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As we were walking, leaving the tennis court Light invited L to get a drink with us. Oh great more time with Ryusaki. He's still L, I can't just put that to the side because we met him. I still hate the guy. I glared at light for forcing me to be around L longer then needed.

"Well you did give a laugh at the court so I guess I could answer some of questions." Ryuzaki said, showing no emotion as usual. I rolled my eyes annoyed. " Before this conversation goes any further, I'd like you two to know that..."

"Oh here we go. What is it now? You wanna make friendship bracelets?" I thought to myself.

I was wrong.

What L said was nothing about friendship. "I suspect you work together as kira" I learned from the past that he was trying to get a reaction from us. Thankfully over the past few weeks, I've gotten better at keeping a poker face.

Light was unfazed as well. "Now if you still want to ask me something then please go ahead." Ryusaki spoke as if this conversation topic was normal.

Ryusaki and I continued to walk as Light paused. "You think were kira?" He asked. Both me and Ryusaki froze in place, turning back at light. "When I say I suspect you, I mean it's a 1% chance. As soon as I'm sure that you guys are in fact NOT Kira, I'd like to have you help me with the investigation."

I sighed. "Why would we want to help someone that doesn't trust us?" I asked. "Its not that I don't trust you, more of I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that you are kira" Ryusaki plainly responded.

"I guess, if that's how you wanna put it." Saying this, I continued walking not waiting for the boys behind me.
They followed as we walked to a cafe.

💀At the cafe💀
"This coffee shop is one of my favorites in the area and if we sit over here theres no chance of anyone overhearing us." Light spoke as he led me to the booth. I sat by the wall while light sat by the ile and of course L sat across from us.

Light held my hand under the table. "Thanks for showing me this place, I can see why you like it." Ryusaki said, watching us closely. Once again Ryusaki sat strangely. "Hey why do you sit like that?" I didn't mean to come off as rude but I didn't care enough to try not to.

"(y/n), don't you think that's a bit rude?" Light asked. I said I liked when he was being smart not when he was playing nice. I just rolled my eyes in response. " No its fine,To answer your question, I dont sit like this because I want to. I have to sit like this. You see if I were to sit normally, my abductive  skills would be immediately lowered by roughly forty percent." Ryusaki didn't seem to mind my question.

"Now light, what was it you wanted to ask me?" Ryusaki cut  straight to business. Light said,"Right..." as if he forgot the whole point of inviting this weirdo with us. "I'm sure that can wait till after you don't think I'm.... were kira." Light finished.

They continued to make small talk. I didn't tone in, instead I just zoned out completely. I only came back down to earth when light poked me.

💀Light POV 💀
I kept calling (y/n)'s name but she didn't seem to hear me. Ah, she must of zoned out again... I wanted to tease her to see her blush again, but I didn't want Ryusaki to see. I sighed as I decided to simply poke her face, even though I truly wanted to do otherwise. This caught her attention,"Huh? "

"Finally, I kept calling you but you never responded." I explained. "Oh sorry, guess I zoned out again. " (y/n) rubbed her neck while saying this.
Ryusaki stayed silent and just watched our interaction with each other. Creepy.

Ryusaki showed us pictures of notes written by prison inmates while under my control. He said we could look them over as long as we wanted. "Please let me know what you think." He asked.

💀L POV 💀
I waited for them to respond. I watched them very closely, looking for any sign that they could be Kira. Honestly, I think Light is Kira. The only reason I added (y/n) to the bunch is because she's always with him. It'd be strange not to suspect her. She might be some kind of accomplice while Light does all the dirty work.
Hmm.. this is a rather interesting case.

💀(Not saying this is any where close to ending cuz its NOT ) but what do you think my next fanfic should be ? Any ideas?  Let me know in the comments! See ya next chapter!💀

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