💀 College here we come!💀

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I went back home to play my new game. I'm so excited! I've been waiting for this to come out for months and now its finally here! I smiled to myself thinking of how I would set up my character.

When I got home I had a chill down my spine. All that excitement from a moment ago was gone in an instant. I suddenly remembered why light bought me the game in the first place.

The idea of being watched made me uncomfortable, but I had to act naturally so they wouldn't know I was awear of the cameras in my house. I walked further in my home and heard my mother yelling at someone. She sounded mad, REAL MAD.

I decided to check on her and make sure everything's okay, but when I made it to her door, I realized what had her fired up. "I WILL NOT STAND AROUND WHILE THEY WATCH AND ACCUSE MY DAUGHTER OF BEING KIRA!  WHEN SHE NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG!" 

My stomach dropped a bit. I wish I could tell her, I hadn't realized it until now, but I wanted to tell her everything. Me and my mom were close, so I was used to telling her everything that goes on in my life. We only grew closer when dad left us.

I slide a note under her door, reminding her of my graduation the next day at school, before heading to bed.

💀The next morning 💀

I woke up, ate my breakfast,  and got ready for school. By time I finished Light was already at the door, waiting to walk me to school. I waved goodbye to my mom before leaving with light.

"Goodmorning (y/n)"light smiled. "Morning light! Are you ready for the assembly?  I asked excited.  I felt like I was making mom proud, she never got the chance to go to an university. "Not really, it's just graduation." Even though he wouldn't admit it, I could see how nervous he was to join the adult world.

We walked hand in hand. Ryuk started begging light to give him an apple. "I'm 100% sure no ones watching you! " Light seemed a bit annoyed. " I really hope your not just telling me what you think I want to hear just to get some apples" he glared at the shinigami.

I turned around to face ryuk and burst into laughter. He was all twisted up and hoping on one foot. "Woah hold it right there, I just flew out and check if there was anyone behind you and there was NO ONE there so yeah, for the last time I'm sure ok?"

To put an end to his whining I threw an apple to ryuk and kept walking.  Light just rolled his eyes and followed.

💀Time skip to the Graduation 💀

It was almost time for me to take the next night step in life. My excitement was miles away, nervousness now stood in its place. I could feel my anxiety rise as the clock ticked. What am I so nervous for? It'll all be okay...right?

I started to sweat. "Hey..." I looked at light. "Relax okay? It'll be alright I'm right here with you." He gave me a warm smile. That same smile always washed all my worries away. I loved that smile.

Light started telling me jokes to make me feel better. I was laughing with him when I heard my name." (Y/n) (L/n)! " my heart stopped. Here I go.

💀Afterwards 💀

It really wasn't as bad as I expected. Well, I guess credit goes to light for making me laugh my problems away. We had a college entrance assembly to go to next. As we approached the door ryuk smiled. "So your college students now, that must be exciting. I'm filled with joy"

"More like nerve racking " I responded.  And with that we walked in and took our seats. I leaned on light's shoulder, smiling. They began announcing.  They called light, referring to him as a freshman representative.

I cheered as light walked up on stadge. I was happy for him. "And another freshman representative, Hidoki Ryuga " I was taken aback by this name. Sure I wasn't popular, but I was certain I knew everyone's name by now. I didnt recognize the guy that stood up either.

I heard someone in the crowd, " Does he even go here?" "I don't recognize him. " another voice said. "He looks a bit old to be a college freshman if you ask me" I chuckled a bit at the last comment."

💀hmm~ mysterious 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now