💀Mine and Only mine💀

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I got butterflies at his sentence. "W-well... um..."

"Well who is it?" Light asked, slightly losing patience.

Instead of responding, I took his hand and led him to my room, where I kept my "diary". When we got to my room, I sat him on my bed and got out my deathnote.

Light sat on my bed,, waiting for me to hand the book to him.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked nervous.

"Very, I'd like to have a talk with whose ever been spending so much time with you." As light said that I could see a small glimmer of red in his eyes.

I looked over to Rem, who followed us in my room along with Ryuk. Rem nodded, signaling it was okay while ryuk chuckled. I bet he was enjoying this. Must be fun living the life of ryuk. He has it easier than any of us.

Light was fast to touch a page so that he could see Rem. Light's eyes searched the room for a small second before he found Rem. I could hear Light growl a bit at the sight.

"So, it's you then." Light glared.

"Yes." Rem responded showing no expression, as always.

"How long have you been hanging around (y/n)?"

"Not very long."

💀Light Pov💀

I spaced out into thought while (y/n) explained how the shinigami was always with her.

There's been talk of the second Kira for a short while , so I guess they're not lying. Still, it's been long enough for them to get close to (y/n). I hated the idea of a man? Girl? Whatever that damn shinigami is spending so much time alone with her.

I thought it was cute to watch (y/n) play kira but I never took time to think about her shinigami. Just how close were they? I trust (y/n) to be loyal, but that doesn't necessarily mean I trust the shinigami.

Pulling me out of my thoughts was the voice of my girlfriend, "So.. yeah... Light, this is Rem." I could see how nervous (y/n) was, as she played with her hair while she spoke.

Ryuk was in the back corner laughing, almost as if he could tell I was annoyed by the presence of Rem. Then the thought finally hit me.

"Wait (y/n)! " I startled her a bit as I slightly raised my voice.


"If Rem is always with you, does this mean you bring them on our dates as well? When were supposed to be alone together, is this creep with us?!"
You could easily hear the anger in my voice as I came to realize, I was never truly alone with my girlfriend.

(Y/n) froze in silence. Her reaction was all the answer I needed. I was NOT about to share MY girlfriend with some shinigami. Hell no. (Y/n) is mine and only mine. Sharing wasn't in the contract. Rem has to go, NOW.  This meant war and  I think I have a good idea of how to get rid of em.

💀Your Pov💀

While I stood there, thinking of how to explain myself, I looked down at light to see that he was, smirking? Wait, I know that grin. That's the same grin he wears when he's in what I like to call,"kira mode". He turns into a different person when he's like this. It can be both hot and intimidating.  Gosh , what is he thinking now?

💀been awhile huh? Sorry guys I have a lot going on. Thanks for being patient! 💀

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now