💀 Everything you wanted💀

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"Then give me back mY nOtEbOoK" 

💀Your POV💀  

"All I can say is that what I said was the truth. I had a moment of self doubt but you helped me recover from that. I don't want to have any regrets or doubts about what I did because I did..." 

Light continued to stare at me, listening with all ears. 

"...everything you wanted. I did my best to make sure you'd be satisfied. " 

"Tch, that's not what the explanation I wanted Y/n." 

"I know but thats the best I can give you right now." 

Light frowned and looked away from me, disappointed in my answer. 

I smiled a little and grabbed face, my hands cupping his cheek. I pulled his face to look at me and he frowned. I scrunched up his cheeks before rubbing my thumbs across them. Light let out a breath of frustration. 

I only continued to smile and leaned in to kiss him. Despite not liking my response, Light returned the kiss and smiled at me. I pulled back, letting go of his face. 

"Consider it a surprise, just for you." 

"A surprise?" 

"Yeah, I think you'll be very happy to see it." 

"Hmm... any hints?" Light smirked. 

"No, no you're just going to have to wait." 

"Fair enough, it better be good Y/n." 

I laughed a little, "Trust me it is." 

Light and I watched a few movies before he had to leave again to finish some errands. I was left alone in my empty house. I was still on the couch, looking for something to watch. 

"A surprise, really?" 

I jumped, surprised to hear someone behind me. I quickly turned to be met with the eyes of Rem. I let out a sigh of relief seeing that it was just them. 

"Jeez Rem, don't sneak up on me like that." 

"Y/n.. what you're doing is wrong." 

"I have this all under control Rem, trust me." 

"I did and now you're doing exactly what I didn't want you to." 

'Its fine I got this." I tried to sound confident even though I knew I was nervous about all this myself. 

"...I'm disappointed in you Y/n." 

Rem's words struck me straight through my chest. I paused processing what they said.    

"I disappointed you?" 

"Sadly yes Y/n." Rem was serious. 

"Yeah well I did half of this out of care for you so your gonna have to deal with it. It may not be the best but I did do it out of love for you, myself and Light. That's fine if you don't agree with it, but if this is enough to disappoint you..." 

I was offended that Rem would say such a thing when I was trying to look out for them. But I didn't want to say something I'd regret so I stopped myself. 

"I understand that Y/n but still. " 

"We'll just agree to disagree, Rem." I said getting slightly annoyed. 

💀  Sunday, 4pm Light POV💀 

Going back and forth from home and Y/n's house was exhausting so I decided to just stay home until I was sure that my dad wouldn't need me anymore. It would be easier that way.

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now