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💀Whatcha think of the picture? I got bored and made it sense nothing else would work for this chapter💀

💀Your POV 💀

I decided to just give Rem some space and just enjoy the movie with Light. I was snuggled up next to him as we shared a blanket. Light kissed my forehead before standing up from the couch. 

"Where are you going?" I asked. 

"Just to get a refill." Light said, showing me his empty cup. 

He grabbed soda out of the fridge and walked over to the counter, where he left his cup. He called out to me while he poured. 

"Do you feel ready for your exam or do you want to-ahgh" 

Light started to cough and act as if he was choking. 

"That's not funny Light." I said as I watched my boyfriend leaned over, clutching his shirt. 

"It, ack,  hurts.." Light said between coughs. 

Realizing he wasn't joking, I jumped off the couch and ran to him. 

"Light are you okay?! Here drink some water!" 

I hurriedly grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and handed it to him. I watched him chug the liquid until there wasn't anymore. 

"ahem..." Light let out one last cough. 

I sighed in relief now that I knew he was okay. 

"Did you turn on me and decide to take over? Wow... giving your own boyfriend a heart attack tsk tsk and you say you love me." Light laughed. 

"Shut up! What was that anyway?" 

"I don't know, just a little chest pain. Nothing to worry about. I should probably lay off on soda for a little. I've been drinking a lot lately." 

Light and I laughed the incident off and went back to our movie. 

💀Rem POV💀

"I can't do that to her... even if I'm tired of him. I have to ignore the way I feel and remember that he makes her happy. " I thought out loud. 

I was only able to write Light Yag-  before I stopped myself. I was blinded by my emotions and almost made a fatal mistake. I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I had gone through with it. I would've been responsible for (y/n)'s heartache. 

💀Next day, still Rem POV💀

Sense I can't kill Light and I barley get time with (y/n), I decided to finally copy Ryuk and follow her all day. Though lately it seems Ryuk hasn't been around Light. 

(Ryuk doesn't find watching Light flirt entertaining and Light got tired of his complaining) 

I told (y/n) of this idea last night when Light left and she seemed fine with it. I waited for her to finish getting ready and stood by the door. I could feel myself getting excited about today. I almost never leave the house and now I can be in (y/n)'s company all day long. If only we could talk in public..

"Ready Rem?" she said, making her way to the front door. 

"Yes." I gave a short answer. 

(Y/n) locked up the house and we were on our way to her college. 

"What is it like going to college?" I asked. I figured it would be okay to talk sense no one was around. 

"It's actually fun. Classes could be more entertaining but it's cool." 

Sacrifices For The New World (Light yagami x Fem Reader) Released 8/14/20Where stories live. Discover now