Chapter 116 (A Thorny Rose)

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*Evan POV*

[Bring it On!] (Me)

I know you're influenced under the Charm effect. But that's not gonna stop me from punching your face.

Rose nodded firmly.

[Alright! Looks like It's Decided!] (Sord)

I looked over at sord and he's smiling gleefully.

[Alright let me get the spar gear then.] (Alton)

Alton rushed off back inside the house as I was left with Sord, Sarya and Rose.

Sord went to Sarya as they happily started talking about something while I was left alone with Rose.


Well, this is awkward.

[Sooo uhh..... You do this often?] (Me)

[Huh? Uh Y-Yes. I have to remain in my top shape otherwise who knows what can happen in the battlefield.] (Rose)

[Right, riiiiight. Welp, the battlefield's gone now. I got my people to work on the security so you don't need to worry about those stuff anymore. I mean, don't you wanna do anything else?] (Me)

[Anything else?] (Rose)

Rose looked at me curiously before blushing and looking away.

[N-Nothing At the moment.] (Rose)

Goddam it. Before anything else happens. I have to cure their Charm debuff first.

Thankfully Alton was running back here with some wooden swords. Behind Alton was Aisha, Hope and Faith fully dressed and ready to go.

Hope and Faith were well dressed. No frilly dresses or anything since those hinder their movements. They were both wearing Tight clothing and pants. Hope was wearing white and gold-ish clothes while Faith was wearing black and red-ish clothes.

I think that suits them. Nice work, Aisha.

[Papa!] (Hope & Faith)

Hope and Faith were waving at me from far away, so I waved back cheerfully.

At this point, Alton got up to us and handed both me and Rose a wooden sword.

[Evan, I don't know how strong or weak you are. But I will not pull my punches.] (Rose)

[Just what I wanted, What are the rules?] (Me)

[Use anything you can as long as you're sure it won't hurt anyone too badly. You'll win by making the other one give up. It's just like normal everyday spar.] (Rose)

[Gotcha! So nothing lethal. Easy enough.] (Me)

I got quite a lot of non-lethal skills, so they're gonna be handy in this fight.

Aisha, Hope and Faith were also here now, standing near Sord, Sarya and Alton.

I looked over to them, and Faith was pretty much screaming at me.

[Papa beat Aunt Rose Quickly! We have To Go! Quick!] (Faith)

Followed by Hope Nodding up and down quickly like a small cute jackhammer.

Faith and Hope were hopping up and down impatiently. And I can't really blame them. They've been wanting to go outside for a long time.

[Alright alright. Just remember what I always say. Be patient.] (Me)

I tried to calm Hope and Faith, but their hopping up and down with their tails wagging crazily implied that they had not calmed down yet.

Aisha: Beat her ass, Evan!

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