Chapter 104 (A Fishy Situation)

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Evan POV

[Then please, Come in.] (Raynard)

Raynard opened the door completely, making me see a lot of expensive-looking paintings and some gold embroidered decorations inside. They're really well off.

Alright! Now just need to quickly get in and then get out.

[Please follow me, I shall escort you to the lord of this house. You can discuss your matters with him.] (Raynard)

I raised my hands, motioning him to stop.

[Woah! Hold On. I'm really just here for Lucy and Oswald. I don't have much time to spare either.] (Me)

Raynard stopped and turned back at me. He looked like he's contemplating something.

[Then... may I ask you a favor?] (Raynard)


[Shoot your shot.] (Me)

Raynard looked at me confusingly.

[I'm afraid I do not understand your words sir?] (Raynard)


[It's nothing, I just meant that me helping you matters on the context of the favor you're about to ask me.] (Me)

Raynard looked surprised for a moment before he gave off a small chuckle.

[You're exactly as Miss Lucy had described. Knowledge far beyond any of us can perceive.] (Raynard)

That's kinda sad dude.

[Well, my request is certainly big. but, Please....] (Raynard)

Raynard immediately bowed down.

[Please steer our lord in the right direction.] (Raynard)

The hell? Who just Asks that from a random stranger they've just met.

[I've seen the way and how much Miss Lucy trusts you. She has also told me some of your tales. Please. I can only ask you this.] (Raynard)

Oh... Did I say that out loud?

welp doesn't matter anymore.

[What's in it for me?] (Me)

Well, I did tell Lucy's grandfather that I won't hurt 'em.

[You will do it. That is, If miss lucy's interpretation of you is correct, and...] (Raynard)

Raynard looked at me determined.

[If you really are her teacher] (Raynard)

I sighed.

[You'll know what i mean when you talk to him.] (Raynard)

goddamit fine.

I nodded and he smiled a bit.

[Follow me please.] (Raynard)

We walked inside, The house is not as big as my mansion but goddam does it look expensive. We were walking through a not-so-small hallway, and there were exotic-looking pictures hanged in the hallway along with some expensive-looking vases placed on top of small, pillar-looking, statues.

[Quite well off, huh.] (Me)

[There's a reason my lord is a Nobel.] (Raynard)

Raynard responded without looking back.

[You get cool things like these when you're a Nobel?] (Me)

[No, but... your wealth has to go somewhere.] (Raynard)

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