Chapter 102 (The Duality of Evan)

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Evan POV:

After making sure of my plan, I Immediately spawned a doppelganger.

I faced my doppelganger and started talking like an old chap.

[Hello Kind Sir. Can you help me and stall for some time if it comes to it?] (Me)

[Why, yes my good Sir. You be on your merry way.] (Fake Me)

[Thank You Kind Sir!] (Me)

Man, This will never get old.

Alrighty! I opened up the map and checked everyone's location.

Now, If I remember correctly, Lucy's grandfather is in that kingdom where Daisy's mom and dad rule. Coincidentally Aisha is also heading there. Terra and Walter are going in different directions together so I need to wormhole my way to Aisha after a little while. 

I need to do it in a little while because I don't want to be in Faith and Hope's radar when I teleport. Faith and Hope have also one-upped their transformation so I have no clue how much their powers have upgraded.

Now then.

I looked at my doppelganger who picked up a book and started to act natural.

....I guess i just panicked too hard and spawned him without thinking.

Is this how it feels when depression hits?

{Author Note: *Concerned cuz Frei is leaving behind too many depression jokes and updating once per month*}

After a some time, I consumed the Wormhole Potion and teleported right in front of Aisha.

[BOOM BIT*H!!!] (Me)

[WHAT THE-!] (Aisha)

Aisha was so surprised to see me out of the blue that she fell down on her bum.

[Heyyo! How Ya Doin!] (Me)

Aisha saw me and was relieved for a moment.

[What the hell Evan!? You know you can msg me before coming, right? you really scared me there.] (Aisha)

[Yea sorry about that.] (Me)

I presented thy hand to help her up.

She grabbed my hand and I helped her up.

[So, why did you teleport to me?

[So..... Some more stuff happened that may or may not have been my fault.] (Me)

[Let me guess, you pissed off Luna again.] (Aisha)

[Nope, that already happened.] (Me)

[Figures, so what happened this time.] (Aisha)

[I may or may not have forgotten about my students again.

Aisha gave me a disappointed look.

[Hey! It's Not My Fault That They're So Forgettable!] (Me)

[Of course, it isn't. That's why this is the third time in a row that you've forgotten about them.] (Aisha)

[Don't Sass Me, Woman! Everyone has Weaknesses!] (Me)

Aisha Made a troubled sigh.

[So just go where you left them before?] (Aisha)

[That's the problem.] (Me)

Aisha raised her eyebrow.

[What?] (Aisha)

This time I sighed.

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