Chapter 112 (Fixing Luna)

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*Evan POV*

The house was completely covered in thick vines, so no one can either come out or look at what's happening outside.

I turned on my blue Lightsaber as it made its Iconic Sound.

[Just remember one thing Luna, I won't hold back.] (Evan)

Luna nodded and conjured up a Flippen Ice Staff. The handle was thin with an ice-like crystal, the size of a fist, at its top.

[Neither will I.] (Luna)

I looked at her, baffled.

[Since When Could You Do That!?] (Me)

[I've also been teaching myself.] (Luna)

Isn't that like... cheating? I mean, don't get me wrong, I also have many cheat like Abilities but.... a staff multiplies your spell's damage output to some degrees. 

So how can you just conjure up one?

"Teach me" is the word I'm looking for. 

Wait, no...

{Author Note: I can already tell Evan's gonna learn something OP again.}

Can't I also make a magic staff? I mean, I do have Mana ball.

{Author Note: Goddam it I knew it.}

I Have to try that out later.

[Alright Then. Bring it on Luna, show me what you got.] (Me)

Luna quickly swung her staff and a small Ice spike formed and shot towards me.

I back-hand Bit*h slapped the puny ice-rock to smithereens with my invisible shield.

Luna's eyes furrowed as she saw that her spell had no effect.

[You can do better then that, can't you?] (Me)

I would just go with exhausting her Mana supply here and win automatically, but I gave her a mana star. So mana shouldn't be much of an issue to her. 

[I Won't Lose!] (Luna)

Luna held her staff up in the air and slammed it down on the ground. 

From the point her staff touched the ground, it was getting converted into ice.

Either she's trying to make the ground slippery which would be detrimental if I want to fight her in melee range or she's trying to freeze me up.

Well, Either way, I'm like Anti-Ice.


I activated my Cursed-Flame Style.

My lightsaber vanished somewhere as a small shockwave came out of my body. 

My eyes and Hair quickly turned dark green. My hair had also become weightless and started floating up.

The patch of grass I was standing on was ignited with the green coloured Cursed Flames.

The ice that was streching from luna's staff came up near me and started sizzelling up in smoke.

The ground was still turned onto ice far behind me, but the place i was standing on was dry and burning.

Luna looked at me with her mouth wide open, horrified.

[W-What Happened?] (Luna)

[I told you didn't I?] (Me)

I started walking towards her as the ice slowly melted into gas.

[I'm going all out.] (Me)

She clenched her teeth as she pointed her staff at me.

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