Chapter 120 (Creating Skills)

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*Evan POV*

Hope and faith were struck in awe with the beautiful night sky view of the kingdom.

Of course it was because we were in the sky.

From this height, it looks like I'm looking at a fantasy painting.

The small lamp posts on the cobble road, guards patrolling holding torches which looked like some fireflies roaming around. The dark/bluish night sky, the medieval style buildings and castle.


That's enough sight seeing. Let's check out what the new skills do.

Skill creation, huh.

As I thought of creating skills. A new system window opened. The whole window was blank with the words "Skills list" at the top, and a "Create skills" at the bottom.

Since I haven't created any skills, the skills list was empty, hence the empty system window.

I thought of creating skills and a new window opened up.

The new window just said "No known Skill Components."

Oh yea, the other analysis skill said something about obtaining skill components from known skills.

Just like this I started to dilly daddle into it while the kids were in awe of the sight in front of us.

I gained little progress when moments later my wings got tired and we started to slowly descent into the ground.

Though what I did learn was that the "Components" that these skills keep referring to are literally the components of the skill. Or a better way to understand that is the essence or the materials of a skill.

For example, the mana ball has the components, Arcane, Shape: Ball, modifiable, enhance-able.

That is what a pure Mana ball is with no modification that I do.

so, the "Skill analysis" literally breaks down a skill that I know, to its very core, and then use it to create a skill.

Meaning, as long as I have the right components, I can mix-match them to create any type of skill that I want. At least that's what I think it does.

As we all slowly descended, Faith looked at me, upset.

[Mou! Higher!] (Faith)

I unintentionally gave a small chuckle.

[Oh yea, Sorry Faith, but it looks like my wings can't handle any more flying.] (Me)

her upset face disappeared, and she looked at me confused.

[You're tired?] (Faith)

[Something like that, yea.] (Me)

Faith thought for a second.

[We're heavy?] (Faith)

[No, It's not that. My wings are made of magic. They're not a part of me so I can't use them for long.] (Me)

[Oh okay. Then It's alright.] (Faith)

[We can fly later too you know.] (Me)

Faith Smiled and said happily.

[Alright!] (Faith)

We landed near the Adventurer's guild. The guards got a bit of a scare but were respectful when they found out it was me.

And is it just me, or do I spot an elf guard in the distance?

No, it's not just me. There is an elf guard there!

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