Side Story: King Helputt

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Helputt POV:

I'm Helputt, King of the Silver Daemons. I have been a Hero to my people since the day I was crowned a King.

On that fateful day, when the Cultists attacked my kingdom, I lost everyone and had suffered a fatal wound protecting my daughter. The only ones who survived the attack was me, my wife Nezha, my daughter Luna, My brother's Son Ried, my Daughter's personal maid/good Friend Mia and her parents that were also my good friends.

After the attack, I only thought about saving the rest who survived but I was hurt badly and my old age had worn me down. I could only lie down, having my wife take care of me. which made me extremely upset about myself. A once called Hero that saved his entire Kingdom multiple time, now reduced to tatters who can't even stand up.

But that's all in the past now. Reid somehow had become an actual legendary Hero at the cost of all his memory, saved my daughter and Mia who had lost her parents and was kidnapped by the Cultists. came to us and had also saved the elven Kingdom which we had good relations with.

After all this, I had promised myself that I'll be a good father and take care of all the kids with my Wife and not look for revenge against the Cultists. I don't want to lose the Kids as well.

Today, Evan, a.k.a Ried told us that he was going to the Kingdom Ethalethine, which is the largest Human's Kingdom. He said that another Legendary Hero called out to him, they both seemed to want to cooperate for the time being. Though I don't want him to but it's his own choice and he won't do anything stupid.

Nezha, Mia and I were waving our hands to Evan, Luna, Tifa, Hope and Faith who were going away on horses.

[It's going to be a little lonely for the time being.] (Me)

Mia looked a little bit lonely but I can understand it.

Nezha placed her hand on Mia's shoulder as they both slowly went inside the House Evan had built.

I was walking behind them and suddenly I received a Wind Mail, it's also known as a Wind letter.

"I'm coming back, brother."

I can't believe it.

After all this time. He actually responded.

Wind mail or Wind letter has a limitation and that's distance. If I'm too far, the wind mail wouldn't reach me

[Dear?] (Nezha)

I looked in front and saw my wife was looking at me worriedly.

[He responded. Sord is coming back.] (Me)

Both Nezha and Mia's eyes opened widely.

I remember it clearly, It all happened two or three months ago when we had received a request from The Elemental Faieries tribe that worshipped the ancient spirits. They said that after the spirits slept, They have no way of slowing down the corruption and that they desperately needed help to push it back.

The Corruption was not to be taken lightly of, it was a mysterious and deadly substance that produced tons of extremely dangerous monsters. But both Sord and Sarya were determined on helping them. The reason was that those Faieries were the reason why their child was still alive.

This happened a long time ago when their kid was lost in the woods for more than a day. I remember clearly the crying faces of both Sord and Sarya. Reid was only 6 years old back then. But as if a Miracle had descended, Ried had just prematurely trotted back into the KIngdom while being led by a couple of Faeries. 

The Faeries said that they had found a beaten down and crying Ried running in the Woods while being chased by a couple of slimes.

{Author Note: This kinda reminds me of when Evan started his journey here.}

The faeries saved the Endangered Kid and brought him back here.

Both Sord and Sarya promised the Faieries that for saving Ried they would help them later in any way they could.

I was originally against this Idea but Sord was a stubborn one. He left Reid in my care, two of the strongest knights who were really loyal to them and left.

They should've been back before a month but such a long time we had to assume they were dead, I had also tried Wind Mail a number of times but there was no way of knowing if the Wind mail had reached them or not. I thought of sending several Soldiers but it was the same as ordering them to die, so I couldn't.

And after all this time. He finally responded.

He's probably on his way to my old Kingdom because he probably didn't know what had happened during their leave.

I sent both Nezha and Mia back into the house and Ran towards the ruins of my old Kingdom as fast as I could. We didn't have any kind of horses, and buying some now would take some time which I didn't want to spare so I could only run as fast as I could, I was once the strongest one in my entire Kingdom and after the Nurse's treatment, I'm back to who I was before.

I'm coming little brother, wait for me.

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