Chapter 113 (Arc 7: Family Problems - Fin)

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Yo! It's me again, the real author. A Big thank you to Jarron7 For this amazingly Beautiful Fanart. Which Wattpad is just refusing to put on. So I'll just put that as the highlight or something. You guys will see it, just not in its usual place. Anyway, There's Lucy on the left, Evan in the middle, Luna coming in from the back and Oswald on the right.

Really Amazing, I really love it. Thank you again Jarron for this amazing art piece.



*Evan POV*

Luna and I were both hugging each other.

She kept saying thank you in a low voice, as if I had lifted a heavy weight away from her chest.

I said nothing and stood there being embraced by her for the time being.

To be perfectly honest, I'm glad that she left me off now. Under the promised circumstances, I would also have to fight off Hope and Faith, which isn't something I wanna do. 

So this way is actually better. Right?

Luna and I kept hugging each other for around a minute before she wanted to let go.

After letting go, she started wiping her face while I stood back up on my feet.

[you okay now?] (Me)

I asked her calmly.

She stared at my face for a couple of seconds before blushing and looking away.

[Y-Yes, I feel much better now.] (Luna)

She looked down and smiled brightly.

[Heh, you finally called me a queen.] (Luna)

Your glad about that part? What about the part where you made my life hell for a couple of days?

But, oh well. I'm still glad to see you smiling like this again, its been a while. 

When was the last time I saw her like this? When I rescued her parents?

I started patted her head.

[Heh, You were always my queen.] (Me)

She blushed and smiled like she just met her idol, before getting into grips and making a stern face again.

She moved my hand away from her hand and said while pretending to be angry.

[S-Since I am your Queen then you have to treat me like a l-lady!] (Luna)

She looked at me with determined eyes, like a kid telling his parent that he's old enough for something.

Honestly, I was really tempted to say "Know your flippen Limits lil Baby." But i just got out of a fight and i don't really want another one already.

[Being called a Queen and being called a Lady are two different things. Just look at Daisy, she's still a little brat.] (Me)

As I said that confidently, I realized a critical error in my judgement.

I forgot that she's also a brat.

She pouted, kicked me in the knee before storming off towards the house that was covered with vines and leaves.

Goddam it! It was going so Well! I Had to mess it up Somehow! Didn't I!? 

Anyway, I Screamed at Tania the dryad from outside to remove all the vines that had my house sealed tight. The thick vines quickly went back into the ground from where they had sprouted out. 

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