Chapter 62 (STAND POWER!!!)

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Evan POV:

Aisha and I were following Daisy who was leading us to the Magician's Library.

[GAH! Why do I have to go? What's wrong with sleeping after fighting Sans?] (Aisha)

[It's cuz I know that you would sleep which is why I'm bringing you with me.] (Me)

[So!? What's Wrong with That!?] (Aisha)

[Did you already forgot about Walter's condition? Who's gonna help me, help him, when you're Sleeping!?] (Me)

[Wow, you two really are Brothers and sisters aren't you?] (Daisy)

[Well, we did say that didn't we?] (Aisha)

Ohh, how much I Really want to use the Wings to fly rather than walk.

[What's that?] (Daisy)

I looked forward and saw three Icebergs sticking out of the ground with three guys frozen inside, these guys were also holding onto a square tower shield.

[Looks like they fought against someone they shouldn't have.] (Aisha)

[Alright, Come on.] (Me)

We all rushed up to them.

I'm afraid that breaking the Iceberg's will also break the guys inside it so I used the Magic Spell called "Flame Torch".

When I casted it, a huge flame covered my right hand. The flame looks exactly like a Candle's flame, only this one's much more hotter.

[Woah, how you do that?] (Aisha)

[You don't have "Flame Torch"?] (Me)

[Weird, I thought the Hero of Magic might surely know all these.] (Me)

[There's still tons of restriction's] (Aisha)

[Figures.] (Me)

I placed my hand on the iceberg and it slowly melted.

In a Few seconds, one completely melt into a puddle of water.

The dude with the Shield that came out of the Iceberg was shivering while I placed my hand onto the next one

[Hey, what happened?] (Aisha)

[W-We were attacked! I don't know where the others are.] (Dude 1)

[Can you cast "Wind Voice"?] (Daisy)

The second Iceberg also melted and I went onto the last one.

[G-Good Idea.] (Dude 1)

[So, you guys aren't from here, are you?] (Me)

[Why do you think that?] (Dude 2)

[Just a Hunch, since we're also outsiders.] (Me)

I looked over to Aisha and she nodded.

The reason I asked that was cause that had no reactions looking at Daisy, A Queen.

My Best guess is that these guys are some kind of mercenary here for a dirty job until they got their ass handed to them. They were obviously fighting a Magician from the Iceberg and there were definitely tons of 'em since these three are only holding onto a Tower shield.

I guess their total amount is around 10~30 people.

Daisy seemed to be vigilant against them as well.

The Third Iceberg also melted and the dude stepped out, shivering.

[Okay, I know where my comrades are. Can I ask for your help in apprehending an escaped murderer?] (Dude 1)

[Escaped Murderer? you guys are Guards? but I thought you were outsiders.] (Me)

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