Chapter 96 (Smokin Sexy Styles!!!)

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Evan POV

I quickly walked out of my mansion so I Couldn't see the sad faces of Faith and Hope.

The Sun is shining brightly, The clearing is big, there's a cobblestone pathway that leads to Daisy's Kingdom. Aside from that, there is also A Giant Wooden Box which is most of the NPC's house.

Jeff the guide standing next to the door while Terra, Aisha and Walter are in front of me. Looking at me worriedly.

[Evan.] (Aisha)

[What?] (Me)

[Playing around for a little while won't do any harm right?] (Aisha)

[I was thinking the same thing.] (Terra)

I made a sigh.

[That's correct, we have all the time in the world. But, We're gonna leave this place one time. You know what I'm talking about right?] (Me)

Aisha and the others made a complicated face.

[You all can stay if you want, I'm not forcing anyone.] (Me)

[Staying is not really the problem....] (Aisha)

Walter followed.

[Staying or leaving isn't a problem for us. But Evan, You have a Family here.] (Walter)

I nodded.

[I know, But I also have a Family there. A family who can't function without me. Obviously I'll leave after I'm sure they all can live independently. That is one of the reasons I made this mansion as well.] (Me)

[But, don't you think it's cruel to them?] (Terra)

[If anything, it will probably be cruel to me. They'll probably have their memories wiped like what happened with the other heroes.] (Me)

Everyone had a complicated face.

[Come on guys, Let's talk about this when we do have a choice to return back home.] (Me)

[Yep. Maybe We'll just make a portal where we can just go through to this world and back to our world. Fricken Hell That would be Awesome!] (Aisha)

{Author Note: ......Spoilers?}

[If that was true then why didn't the previous heroes do that?] (Terra)

[Well it's been around a hundred years since they left so I really doubt that.] (Me)

I started walking a little bit away from the mansion and the Cobblestone road, to a big clearing in the Forest. Just walking in here makes it feels like a boss battle is gonna happen in a sec.

[Alright then, I guess we should get down to business then? I need to train in some skills right now so let's make this quick.] (Walter)

[What new stuff you cooked up with?] (Terra)

[It's called Combo-Mode, and I really want it.] (Walter)

[Dam, It sounds cool. Wut it do? Wait! Is it a Style!?] (Me)

[It's not a style, It's basically you're ranged Siege Mode skill but opposite.] (Walter)

The Siege-Mode I have is the one which makes me implant down on the ground in return for new firing ways for any and all guns.

[So, it make you move extra while..... lowering your fire rate or something?] (Me)

[Pretty much, but it allows me to fight in close quarters, which is one of my weaknesses.] (Walter)

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