Chapter: 11 (Preparation)

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*Evan POV*

[Anyone in his sight Will die.] (Me)

I made a grim face before thinking it through and putting my hand back on my chin.

[But I'm not sure.] (Me)

[Huh?] (Liza)

This world does matches with Terraria a lot. But there are a lot of reasons why this place isn't Terraria. Me just talking to Liza means I'm not in Terraria. And then there were skills, status even my crafting list got updated.

[Evan?] (Liza)

There's also a huge possibility that they are summoning something from this world and not from Terraria.

[Evan!] (Liza)

[Huh? What?] (Me)

[Why aren't you sure?] (Liza)

[That's because-] (Me)

Wait a minute. Lenard admitted to all my ways of summoning. That means I might be right. I'm just missing something.

[Wait, Liza what did he say right before collapsing?] (Me)

[Hm? It was that they will start even without him right?] (Liza)

[No, after that.] (Me)

[Something about the Cthulhu watching over them?] (Liza)



I don't even know why that took a while to solve.

[How do you know all this?] (Liza)

Liza stared at me

...........I didn't really think she would ask that.

What should I say? That I used to play this world tons of time on my computer?

[Uhhhhhhhh............] (Me)

Liza sighed.

[Well, if you don't wanna tell then don't worry. I won't pry.] (Liza)

I made a relieved face.

[........Thanks.] (me)

[So what do we do now?] (Liza)

[Let's see.......... The eye of Cthulhu can only be summoned my making "a weird looking eye" at a demon altar with lens from demon eyes. So that's our only clue, lens.] (Me)

[Lens? there isn't any demand of lens and also there aren't any mission's about it submitted here too.] (Liza)

[Well, we can either evacuate everyo-] (Me)

[What if its not here?] (Liza)

[Huh?] (Me)

[There are more adventurer guilds in other kingdoms. I can inform them of this threat and they can look out for any lens in demand. Or anything like it.] (Liza)

Wait hold on, how many kingdoms are there?

Ah well, I'll think about that after I take care of this.

[Okey you do that. Also put up a warning about these cultists or something.] (Me)

Liza nodded.

[Alright.] (Liza)

[I'm going to check up on Luna.] (Me)

[What about him?] (Liza)

Liza pointed to lennard.

[We'll see if he has more info, so keep him here for now.] (Me)

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