Chapter 38 (Arc 3: Kingdom problems - Finish)

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Evan POV:

[Alright sounds good then you all just have to shake hands and most of the things are done, right?] (Me)

I mean Elizabeth and Daisy already agree to unify what else can be the problem?

Elizabeth shakes her head.

[It's not that simple. Even if we agree, our people won't agree with it. There is a reason I didn't tell them that my husband was human.] (Elizabeth)

Daisy was shooked. Probably because she found out that the elven kingdoms king was a human.

[Please don't tell anyone.] (Elizabeth)

Elizabeth told Daisy and the others.

They all nodded in response.

Sooooo............. Basically the problem is Racism.

Wait there's a solution to this.

Hehe. Might as well test them.

[There's a simple solution to that.] (Me)

Everyone got attentive.

[The solution is...... Hate.] (Me)

[How would hate help us?] (Daisy)

[Its quite simple. Make everyone hate yourself and everyone will band together to kill you........ they will, however, band together.] (Me)

Daisy looks at Trish and Elizabeth is thinking of something.

I have noticed but Helputt and Nezha haven't said anything yet.

Well, there's an even simpler answer to my moral dilemma, but let me see how much I can trust them.

[...... Trish?] (Daisy)

[Hmm....... In all honesty, it could work. If everyone has the same enemy then they will band together...... only that, it will be to kill us.] (Trish)

Daisy is in a deep thinking mood but then Elizabeth and Daisy both said at the same time.

[Let's do it!] (Daisy & Elizabeth)

Well, now I know I can trust these two completely.

[....Mom] (Tifa)

[Well congratz, you both have passed the test.] (Me)

Now they look confused.

[Huh?] (Elizabeth)

[Test?] (Daisy)

[Yep. I was just testing you all. The real answer is to band together to defeat the cultists.] (Me)

Poor cultists. they already suffered a huge blow and I'm just making two kingdoms against them. Oh well, their fault for messing with pretty much everyone.

Elizabeth smiled a little.

[Wait.... This could work. In the recent cultist attack, the cultists not only damaged almost all the forest. But even killed lots of elves.]

Trish also nodded.

[And the cultists are a huge problem to us too. They have raided and also killed a lot of families in our kingdom.] (Ruby)

Looks like the guild master decided to speak as well.

[Well then that does it. Pleasure doing business with you your Highness. You can do that and bind together all the races until you get your unity.... Uh.. family together. My job is done please get rid of my wanted poster and I'll be out of your way.] (Me)

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