Chapter 76 (Arc 5: Heroes Problems - Finish)

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Evan POV:

We had met up with Terra, Saved him up and brought him back Etalethine kingdom where we found Aisha. Walter was waiting for us back at my mansion, Aisha somehow got the permission of the King and the Queen for her will to leave the Kingdom, Terra also met up with Isabella and talked to her a lot while leaving us in the dark. In the end, he gave his Mithril sword to Isabella and we didn't butt in telling it was wrong. Something has definitely happened and we will all know of it soon enough. We also talked with Terra and told him of all of our journeys. We promised to talk about his story after we all came together so it was a journey back home in the dark night.

When Everything was done, we returned back to my house.

It was in the middle of the night so everyone was sleeping except for the NPC's. 

Nezha was occupying my bed along with Faith and Hope while there was a creepy Nurse standing in the dark corner, stalking them.

There are more beds in my room but those are baby cribs for kids so I had to sleep in one of the vacant room along with all my friends.


Morning came without a hitch and I woke up quite early. There was a Grandfather Clock placed in the mansion in the Dinning room and because of Terraria Logic's I could always tell the Time, which was 7:10 a.m right now.

{Author Note: Terraria Logic? More like Terraria Re-Logic! Heheheh. It's funny because Re-Logic developed the game.}

We all did the normal morning routines, That's excluding the Heroes who slept like a log till 11 a.m and Even that's excluding Aisha who would've slept till 1 or 2 p.m until we woke her up forcibly.

There were some protests from Luna asking why Aisha was staying here, but she calmed down after finding out about the other heroes.

As always, Mia did most of the Cooking work while I helped set up the Table. Tifa was probably at her Kingdom, Lucy and Oswald are waiting for their tournaments or whatever it was called. I also have to remind myself to meet Lucy's Grandfather, he's a huge lead. 

Faith and Hope were flippen glued to me from the moment they woke up and I could not separate them....... they're slowly becoming powerful and I'm being intimidated already.

After having breakfast with everyone, I introduced the 3 new Members to my family, your friendly neighborhood Heroes. Helputt was still nowhere to be seen and No one would talk about him, saying it was a surprise or something. 

Pfffft. They don't know the power of my Poker face. I'm a hunk of steel.... as long as I don't cry, that is.

{Author Note: Oh, We'll see soon enough. Hehehehe}

After having breakfast, which was some toast with Milk and some vegetables, I asked everyone not to disturb us as all of us heroes went into a private room to discuss, pretty much everything.

It was a bit hard making Hope and Faith Understand but Nezha came into my rescue.

We used one of the vacant room, which was quite average, I may say. A bed, a round table with four chairs, an open window as well as some potted plants near the beds.

We all went and sat on the chair.

[I guess this is the time for your story, isn't it?] (Walter)

[What made you so upset that you went in an Emotional frenzy.] (Me)

[We're all with you. Don't worry about anything, okay?] (Aisha)

Terra clenched his fists, looking a bit aggravated but ultimately sighed as he told us his story.

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