Chapter 81 (Corruption)

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Evan POV

[I'm kinda disappointed.] (Terra)

[Me too actually.] (Me)

The reason why we both were disappointed was because we found the "Faeries" that Sord told us about.

[Tell me, what did you think they would look like.] (Terra)

[Navi from Legend of Zelda?] (Me)

[Same.] (Terra)

We both thought of the faeries is flying blobs of light with wings sticking out of them but they're actually just Lolis and Shotas.

{Author Note: Loli = Little Girls.
                          Shota = Little guys}

They're not even flying around anywhere, just walking around with their tiny feet. Most of them are wearing White Dresses. Actually, everyone is wearing a white dress and they all have a cute face, but aside from that everyone's wings are glowing a different hue and their hair is respective of that color.

[Soooo, what now?] (Terra)

[I think it's better if we explain ourselves first?] (Me)

We were currently surrounded by hundreds of them. In a full circle ring around us.

Terra started speaking a little louder so they could hear him.

[So... You all come here often?] (Terra)

[Hey gamer, I don't think that's the correct way of speaking to a couple of childrens.] (Me)

[How did you two come here?] (One of the Faeries)

[Ummm, Walking?] (Me)

[Ried, is that you?] (Another Faerie)

[] (Me)

The faerie who just asked me started looking at me a little closer. Probably couldn't recognize me immediately cuz I was wearing goggles.

[It is Him!] (The Same Faerie)

[What are you doing here?] (Another One)

Lightsaber. I want a Lightsaber.

[Uhh Long Story.] (Me)

During this time, two Silver Daemon Woman and a single Silver Daemon Guy came out of one of the many huts made of hay or something like that.

[Ried?] (Silver Daemon Woman)

The Silver daemon that looks the oldest among the group noticed me and started running towards me.

She charged through the Faerie crowd and hugged me. The faeries that were just bashed away, didn't look like they mind it that much.

[Ried! It's So Good To See You! Wait. What are you doing here? Wheres your father?] (Silver Daemon Woman)

She let me go of her hug and I started thinking of what to do.

[Hey Terra, Go search for caverns and take this.] (Me)

I handed him half a stack of Purification powder.

[Gotcha.] (Terra)

Terra immediately sprinted forward towards what seemed to be the heart of the corruption.

[Hey Wait! That's Dangerous!] (Some Faerie)

[Don't Worry. A little corruption like that shouldn't be able to faze him.] (Me)

All the Faeries looked at me weirdly and I faced the person who is probably my Mom.

[And by the way, can we, Uhh, talk privately?] (Me)

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