Chapter 122 (Journey to the center of the cult)

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*Evan POV*



I was still stuck on the movement and mana seal magic circle that was formed below me and since they thought I might escape if they fiddled with it, they just dug the whole ground out through magic. 

Now I'm standing on this large dirt field that has a magic circle on it as it levitates and follows these cultists. 

The cultists were moving straight ahead within the thick forest, surrounded by trees and grass. Occasionally you would see some flowers or butterflies, and other times slimes would attack only to be cut down by these guys.

Of course, being the charismatic guy I am, I've been talking non-stop for the past...... Uhh half-hour? I don't know, I wasn't counting the time.

[.......And then, you won't flippen believe it. He turned himself into a Pickle. Funniest shit I've ever seen, I almost pissed laughing.......... Anyway are we there yet?] (Me)

[For the 10th time. No!] (Ramas)

Ramas was annoyed.

Why wouldn't he be? I've been harassing them verbally for the past hour.

It's fun when they can't do anything to you in case something happens to the seals and I escape.

[Hey. Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world, but this time the extended version of it?] (Me)

[For the love of god, If you make that noise again I will come over there and stab Your Fu*king Throat!] (Ramas)


I made a noise similar to glass scratching some other glass. I did got some skills that helps me in mimicking other noises. Which just made me more annoying.

[OH THAT'S FU*KING IT!] (Ramas) 

Ramas took out his platinum sword and almost jumped at me but was stopped by the guy holding the chlorophyte sword.

[Stop it Ramas! He wants you to move him so he can Escape! Let's just complete the mission and then do whatever we want.] (Guy with chlorophyte sword)

Honestly, I'm just flippen bored that's why I've been annoying them. I mean, can you imagine? Standing still and not doing anything for an hour. Harassing these guys was the only thing I could think of.

Oh shit, I should also tell what's happening to my friends. Will probably need their help to overthrow these guys.

Evan: Yo Guys, I got captured by the cultists and they're taking me to their boss. So come to my location quick. We can get rid of them all in one full swoop.

Alright, that should send a clear message to them. Wonder what they're doing right now though.

Walter: Gotcha, I'll grab Terra and head your way.

Ooooh, I can always rely on my Walti-boy.



I haven't received any response from the other two yet.

I wonder what they're doing.

*Fake Evan POV*


Aisha's still snoring on the bed. Hope and Faith are sleeping almost soundlessly, you could barely hear them purring if you listen very close to them.

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