Chapter 101 (From Styles To Action)

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I know that I said I'll post the whole Arc in one go but, I'm not gonna lie, I procrastinated the whole month and have learned that I shouldn't hold any kind of responsibilities like these.

I'll just update the book as I used to and I'm really sorry about the late Update.



*Evan POV*

As everyone left the room, We 4 heroes were the only ones left all alone in my room, Luna and the kids for their practice and the rest for whatever they do... What do they do when I'm not here? I'll be sure to ask them later when i get the chance.

[Oh that reminds me, How did your experiments go?] (Me)

I asked Aisha and Walter.

Aisha suddenly got extremely excited.

[You Wouldn't believe what Walter Just Did!] (Aisha)

Walter quickly raised an eyebrow and interjected her.

[While you were lazing around?] (Walter)

And just like that, all of her energy went away.

[Cut me some slack. I did try but I didn't get any results.] (Aisha)

[I know.] (Walter)

[Dam you Walter.] (Aisha)

[Sooo... What did you two cook up?] (Me)

[Nothing much, but it seems like you can create styles through mixing skills. But, it looks like very specifics ones are required.] (Walter)

[Oh, I already like where this is going.] (Me)

[I had been trying out some different combinations, but I didn't get any results.] (Aisha)

[I, however, did.] (Walter)

Yea! You go, Walter!

[As I said, Skills can mix to form Styles, I got the option to mix Siege with Slide Blitz to make the Gunslinger style. My skills used weren't lost but I did get the style.] (Walter)

[Wait, Aren't the skills, Evan's specialty?] (Terra)

[Right-o! But my specialty is learning them all instantly. So I still don't know how to unlock them all.] (Me)

[About that, Jeff the guide did tell us which skills form a style, I was just a bit lucky in the way that Siege was already unlocked and slide blitz was about to be unlocked.] (Walter)

At this point, Aisha pouted.

[I'm still salty that I don't have a style yet.] (Aisha)

Terra Smirked.

[I don't have one either but I still wrecked Evan up.] (Terra)

[That cause I didn't use like 60 percent of my power and we were only doing melee combat, and the fight was a tie if I remember correctly.] (Me)

[Whatever you tell yourself Evan.] (Terra)

Terra shrugged his shoulders like he had cracked the code and wouldn't listen to anyone like a little piece of sh*t.

[Alright, so, to get styles I'll just have to talk to the guide right.] (Me)

[Well... for the gist of it, yea.] (Walter)

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