Chapter 107 (Fake Evan's Fall)

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*Fake Evan's POV*

Helputt and Nezha finally pried off my mother from me along with those other two Rose and Alton, who were also accidently Charmed by me. They're all going to meet with the NPC's and also deciding on the rooms allocation.

This house has slowly filled up quite a lot, I'll tell Evan to make another Floor for rooms.

Well, everything else is going splendidly well since I tricked Hope into thinking I'm the real me.

Haven't done that to Faith yet but I think I'll be able to pull it off without a hitch.

 I made a deep sigh. Everything is actually going really good. Need to keep it that way at least until Evan comes back.

[Papa!] (Hope)

I heard Hope's voice as I felt her hugging me from the back.

[Ohh What do we have here? A little Cheetah caught me?] (Me)

I patted her fluffy golden hair.

[hehe.] (Hope)

I then noticed both Luna and Faith coming in from outside.

Faith suddenly started to eye me suspiciously for obvious reasons so I started talking to Luna.

[Practice already done?] (Me)

[No, of course not. but we have made progress. And I don't want your father and mother to not even be able to meet their grandchildren after so much hard work.] (Luna)

[Aww, so you have a heart after all?] (Me)

[S-Shut up! We will practice again in a little while. Remember that tomorrow we Will beat you.] (Luna)

During all this time Faith had been suspiciously looking at me before pointing at me and saying angrily.

[That's Not Papa!] (Faith)

It took a couple of seconds for Luna to comprehend what Faith said before her mouth opened wide as she looked at me with shock.

But Suddenly! Outta Nowhere Hope came to my Rescue!

[No, It's Not Fake Papa. He's Using a new type of camouflage so we can't detect him.] (Hope)

Hell Yes! Hope! You're My Favorite! But I will shower you and Faith with the same amount of Love!

{Author Note: FBI!!!}

[Really?] (Faith)

I focused and started using my acting level skills at max level.

[Yea Of Course!] (Me)

Faith Smiled brightly as she also ran up to me and hugged my waist along with Hope.

I started patting both of their head as it would be illegal not to.

[Huh, So I'm guessing You have also started Preparing for tomorrow right?] (Luna)

Luna talked as if she was suspicious of me but I should start talking first.

If I can throw her off then I'll be safe from any and all suspicions.

[Well I mean, If we're gonna play Hide and seek then I gotta make some adjustments of my own.] (Me)

[Huh, sounds like a really good reason for camouflage.... but it could also be because...] (luna)

Luna's voice suddenly became really cold as her Demon lord aura came back on.

[...You're not actually Evan?] (Luna)

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