Bonus Chapter: Kids want food

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Another Amazing Fanart by @CentryNEL and as always Wattpad is not working proper so all of you will see it at the top of the chapter than on the chapter.
This one is of Evan useing his Berserker's Curse style.

Well then, See y'all soon.



*Evan POV*

So right now we all are at the dinning table on the main floor of the house.

As always, Mia cooked up a delicious meal for everyone, this time with mine and Sarya's help.

There's quite a lot of people here now, so the dinning table felt cramped. I gotta do something about this.

So here we are. All of us, including the heroes enjoying our meal.

That was when I noticed that Hope and Faith, who were both sitting together next to me, seemed distracted and were looking at everyone eating their food.

oh, they were both sitting together on my left and Terra was sitting next to me on my right, followed by Walter and Aisha.

[What's wrong?] (Me)

I asked them and they both looked at me and shook their head cutely, almost like they were holding something back.

[Are you sure?] (Me)

[Yes, it's fine.] (Faith)

Hope nodded to Faith's words before they both focused on their bowl of mana balls.

I continued eating my food while Terra was telling about his experiences in a random cave he found when mining.

As I was listening to his story, I noticed that Hope and Faith were now looking onto me eating my food.

This time, instead of asking them, I ignored them and focused on eating my food.

Everyone was making small chat as we all ate until I felt a slight tug on my sides.

I looked over and Faith tugging my black clothes.

[What's wrong?] (Me)

I asked again, but this time she said something that shook me a little bit.

[I want to eat what papa is eating.] (Faith)

Hope looked on and nodded furiously.



I thought Their Diet consisted only of pure Mana!

I had talked to Jeff the guide about their diets before, and he only told me that pure mana should be their diet.

Which is Mana Balls!

I Don't Know What Happens When they eat Normal Food!

Oh god, please don't tell me that they don't have a functioning digestive system and eating any kind of food would be like poison.

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