Chapter 97 (Evan's Fall)

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Evan POV

I looked behind me and I was Suprised and a bit horrified. 

Suprised since there was a boomerang coming straight towards me while a bit horrified because I realized that I was gonna get hit from both sides.

One because of terra and one because of the boomerang.

But how did he do that so fast?

I didn't have time to think about it after I realized Terra running towards me.

The boomerang and terra were the same distance away from me so I immediately used the skill Strong Blade which makes me swing my sword horizontally in 360 degrees, dealing a good amount of damage.


My lightsaber screamed in response.

The boomerang was knocked up as it headed towards Terra while Terra just parried my attack and hopped back a bit.

He didn't give me any kind of breathing space and Immediately lunged towards me.

My heart was beating wildly as I sidestepped to dodge his attack.

I was a lot slower than I usually am, Is this because of me disabling Pain Immunity?

I still saw a chance and tried to slash him from the side.

Tho things didn't happen like I wanted them to.

Terra just screamed so loudly that my body stopped moving as I fell down on one knee.


The Pain. It hurt so much.

there wasn't much physical damage but my ears were ringing so loudly, I had a 3-second deaf and 2-second stun debuff on me as well as a huge Flippen headache which felt like being hit on the head by a sledgehammer by some dude named Ricardo.

Terra: How was my Warcry?

Terra private messaged me and are you a Flippen Darksouls Boss?

If I remember correctly then Terra did tell me before that he got the Peak Passive skill so he probably knows about the deaf debuff inflicted on me.

Terra held his sword in front of him and it started releasing some kind of aura. 

Is he charging? I can't move. It Hurts too much....I Can't.

He seemed like he said something my ears were still ringing.

I looked at him and he was in a batting pose like he was about to break the world record of a homerun.

He swung his giant sword so hard and knocked me back.


I literally flew away, as my vision had gone black.

I'm pretty sure I rolled around like a tumbleweed for quite some time.

As I regained consciousness, I tried standing up.

I wasn't a pretty sight as It took quite a bit of struggle.

My blood was everywhere.

I quickly drank one of my lesser healing potion which seemed to have rejuvenated me.

[You still wanna go?] (Terra)

A small explosion was released from my body, as my hair turned a shade of Blazing green from pure, silky white.

Yep. I activated my Cursed Flames style.

[Round Two.] (Me)

[Woah Woah Woah! Hey! You said You'll Only use Melee Stuff!] (Terra)

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