Bonus Chapter: Evan and the Drunk Gang

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*Evan POV*

So I finally decided to make a Keg. I wasn't really sure of this because I didn't want any drunks in my house, but then I thought it's fine sometimes.... Right?

Well Anyway, I made a keg, made a hundred of mugs and filled each and every single one of them to the brim with ale.

Now. At night, I put the kids to bed early. 

I went to Helputt and showed him the goods and told him to let loose with the others.

It would've been a good time to hang out with the others to drink but.... Not this time.

Because It's finally here.

It's a night with the Bois!

Well, it was originally going to be me, Terra and Walter but since Aisha is also on the same boat as us, we invited her as well.

We also didn't want anyone else near us cus it's a night with the homies, so we decided to drink in the crude Npc's house that was right beside the main mansion.

None of the rooms here had any decoration or even windows. Just a square box of space and a table and chairs. We picked a random room and after kicking out the Npc inside (The demolitionist). We took a swig of that sweet alcohol. 

It was just us four in the room. Terra was sitting opposite to me. To my right was Walter, and to my left was Aisha.

The Night was still high, and we all drank like there's no tomorrow. As soon as one mug finished, I brought another one out.

Imma make sure nobody asks me for this sh*t till the next month.

I have no Idea how many mugs of alcohol we drank cuz my doppelganger would keep going back to the main house and refilling all the empty mugs.

Everyone was drunk. I wasn't tho. My pain immunity also stops me from getting drunk and even though I can disable it to get drunk. I want to remain sober because of two reason. One, because a certain someone I hate loves getting drunk and I don't want to be like him. And Two, to dick around with my friends.


Okay, maybe it's mainly just to mess around.

[Hey guys. I feel like.... I feel like a lot of time has passed.] (Me)

[It's still the Middle of the Night!] (Aisha)

[Are you trying to foreshadow something? and Aisha You're already drunk.] (Walter)

[I think the foreshadowing has already happened! You Heard It From Me First, Bit*hes!] (Terra)

{Author Note: *Checks when the last chapter was published*
*It's already been 3 and a half months*

[Goddam it Terra You're drunk too.] (Walter)

We were all having a great time just joking around and being silly about things that made no sense whatsoever until. Well, Everyone got a little bit too wasted.

Terra chugged his mug full of ale down his throat and slammed the now empty mug on the table.

Everyone's face was red except me.

[Walter! *Hic*  From the four of us you really had it worse. *Hic* Getting killed right Off the Bat!] (Terra)

There was another mug of ale in front of Terra, but he stopped taking it. Looks like they've hit the limit So I quietly took away all the muggs.

Nice, now let's watch the spectacle.

Walter can still handle his drink quite well even though his face was looking awfully flushed.

[Man. You Think I had it Worse?! My dude. My Dude! You were left in the Desert by the Love of your life who broke up with You!] (Walter)

After hearing Walter's Harsh Words Terra started crying and bawling as he hid his face on the table.

[I Know! I Know! *Hic*  I Wasn't enough for her God dammit! *Hic*  But I loved her like she was my Everything! Why! Why Wasn't I enough Walter!?] (Terra)

[Terra! You Know What! That Bitch Couldn't see the real you and made the Worst goddam decision of her life! You know what! Nobody Is gonna love you like I'm going to!] (Walter)

[*Hic*  That's really Gay my dude.] (Terra)

[Imma be gay for my homies anytime.] (Walter)

[Hell Yea! *Hic*  Now Give me a Kiss!] (Terra)

[That's More gay then what I was saying my dude.] (Walter)

At this point Aisha slammed the table with both her hands.

[Shad Up!] (Aisha)

Aisha got frustrated for some reason.

[You tree always leve me alone in the hose. You nevea ask if I want to come! *Hic* I also Want to Come! But I Don't Want To Come!] (Aisha)

[What the hell are you even trying to say?] (Me)

[S-Shad Up!] (Aisha)

Aisha plopped down on the table.

And then we all had a moment of silence.

Terra and Aisha were sleeping on the table or atleast, they appeared like so.

[Hey Evan. *Hic*  How did we get here.] (Terra)

[I don't know we're just playing Terraria.] (Me)

[That's True! But- *Hic* But! This isn't Terraria!] (Terra)

[You're absolutely correct. This is Terraria 2: the return of the four retards. We're already in Act 7] (Me)

[Wha-? Then! What happened in Act 1?] (Walter)

[In Act 1 We all came here in our respective places. Only I was a little bit slow.] (Me)

Aisha started talking while still face down on the table.

[Hehe~ Evan is slow.] (Aisha)

[Then what the hell happened in Act 2?] (Walter)

[Let's see I guess I-] (Me)

Terra sprung up.


Terra started laughing hysterically while Walter started looking mad.



I'm just trying my best to not smile or laugh.

Terra's face hits the table with again with a bang as he started crying again.

10 seconds passed and I heard snoring from both Terra and Aisha.

I looked over to Walter and his head went back as he passed out on the chair.


[God dam it. I flippen love you guys.] (Me)

Even in their sleep they somehow muttered the words "love you too".

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