Chapter 90 (Spreading Corruption)

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Evan POV

Okay so Let's have a good look at the situation I'm in right now.

1) I'm either going to die instantly as soon as the corruption takes over.

2) I'm going turn into a mindless zombie or something like that.

3) I'm gonna turn stronger like those anime protagonists.

......The last one is highly unlikely.

And aren't I awfully calm about thi- Oh yea, Pain immunity. Maybe Fear resistance too.

Everyone around is looking at me wide-eyed shocked out of there existence.

[Hey Eponia, what usually happens to those that get corrupted?] (Me)

She didn't even bother answering me and started flying around my head, just as flew, some kind of sparkly dust fell out of her transparent wings which started enveloping me.

Everyone was worriedly looking at me, my mom's legs were shaking and Rose's too

[Why Isn't It Working?!] (Eponia)

[What isn't working.] (Me)

[Evan... The faeries are Banishers of corruption.] (Mom)

Mom's legs lost her strength as she immediately fell down.

[No way.] (Mom)

Tears weld up in her eyes.

[Hey Guys! Don't worry! I have other methods of fixing myself. I'm a Hero remember?] (Me)

Well, if worst comes to worst then I'll have to die and respawn with the nurse's help but I wonder if we have enough money for that. 

[Impossible! There's no other way to rid of Corruption!] (Eponia)

I quickly took out and held a Purification powder bag in my hand. which made Eponia grow silent.

[Don't underestimate a Hero.] (Me)

I think the purification powder gave them all some hope so everyone seemed to calm down a bit.

[Our methods should not fail us but for some reason, it has and this is the first time I'm seeing something happen like this.] (Eponia)

[Uhhh. Explain.] (Me)

It seems like she has calmed down a bit and started making heads and tails of my situation.

[Usually, when one starts becoming corrupted, their body gets rotten and they have trouble breathing and doing normal acts, It's like they're dead inside. You on the other hand... You're weird.] (Eponia)

[Pffft, Bold of you to assume I'm not already dead inside.] (Me)

[What?] (Eponia)

Before they thought of something weird, I quickly chimed in.

[ANYWHO! I have a plan and I'm sure I can fix myself up, you all don't need to worry about it. My buddy is over there in that ruins and he's taking care of the Cultists who were taking care of you. Might wanna go there and say hi.] (Me)

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