Sneak Peak of Arc 7

862 37 86

Evan POV

Blood splattered everywhere.

The smell of copper and rust piercing my nose. 

I looked down and a Giant sword had just Impaled through my chest from the Back.

It was the same Bloody Cleaver that I had Given Terra.

Luna was in front of me who couldn't fathom what was happening.

[...No...] (Luna)

Luna said with a weak and broken voice.

I looked back and there was Terra, Laughing manically.


I couldn't move or Talk. My body was paralyzed.

Terra pulled his sword out of me as I started falling down like a Doll whose strings were cut.

[NOOOO!!!!] (Luna)

Luna's eyes turned from light blue to blood red as she charged towards me.

[Like I'd Let You!] (Terra)

Terra Came in front of me. blocking her path to me.


Luna was hysteric and i saw her crying.

I couldn't see their fight but heard some clashes. I was already on my knees almost collapsing down but I heard something that jolted me awake.

[Papa?] (Faith)

Faith and Hope were standing there a little bit far away.

Why Were They There!?!

Oh, I saw Hope holding a frisbee and then I remembered. 

I promised that I would play with them.

Their horrified faces were the last thing I saw before everything turned black.


More on Arc 7 "Family Problems"

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