Side Story (Princess Luna part 3)

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*Luna POV*

Mama was bringing me down the tunnel along with Reid who was holding onto my father.

In the silence, we could only hear papa groan now and then.

[I'm really glad you're here Reid.] (Queen)

I looked over to reid and he looked at the ground, defeated.

[I don't know, your highness......... I promised I would get you three to safety but here I am. Bringing his Highness with a giant wound on his shoulder.] (Reid)

Reid looked downcasted

[But without your help we wouldn't be alive right now.] (Queen)

Reid let go a sigh before smiling a bit.

[Thank you for believing in me your Highness.] (Reid)

The silence persisted again for another minute.

[Hey Reid?] (Queen)

[Yes, your highness?] (Reid)

[Do you like Luna?] (Queen)


Wait Mama What Are You Saying!?

[Of course I like Luna.] (Reid)


My face turned red again and my voice just wouldn't come out.

[I see her as my younger sister, so of course I like her.] (Reid)

[Oh.] (Me)

I said disheartened.

[Looks like you have a long way to go Luna.] (Mama)

Mama said while chuckling


[Hm? For what?] (Reid)

[I-Its Nothing!] (Me)

I quickly said flustered.

[Oh, alright then.] (Reid)

I whispered into my mother's ears

[How did you know?] (Me)

She gave another small chuckle and whispered back.

[You look at Reid the same way I used to look at you papa.] (Queen)

[What?] (Me)

[I've known about it for a long time. but your papa is such an idiot he hasn't realized it yet.] (Mama)

Papa sneezed.

I blushed and hid my face on her back.


[We've almost reached the end of the tunnel.] (Reid)

I looked ahead of mama and I could see a light piercing inside the tunnel

[Hopefully, the horses are back by now. The ones that were lent to Mia's parents.] (Reid)

We went out and the sunlight hurt my eyes. We were outside and in a forest. The trees hid the tunnel behind us.

And there were two white horses in front of us.

[The horses came back safely.] (Reid)

Reid looked relieved.

I and mama sat on one horse, mother took the reigns and papa sat on the other horse, Reid took the other horse's reigns.

Ried took out some long capes from the bags attached to the horse and passed some to us, Signaling us to wear them.

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