Chapter 119 (True Hero of Skill)

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*Evan POV*

I stared at the book in my hands.

Looked at the notifications.

looked back at the book and then looked at Aisha.

[This.... is a skill book.] (Me)

I told Aisha while my voice trembled a little bit.

[h-huh?] (Aisha)

[No, rather, this is a Job change book.] (Me)

Aisha looked confused, and I didn't blame her.

I looked around to make sure if the kids were near or not, but then I remembered that it wouldn't matter since they got some superb hearing and as long as they're on this floor, they would hear me.

I don't want them to learn of the otherworldly system of Terraria that I use because that would raise some questions that I don't want to answer.

So I decided to private message Aisha instead.

Evan: This book changes my job from "Hero of Skill" to "True Hero of Skill."

Aisha looked at me, bewildered.

A second later, she put her hand on her chin.

Aisha: Wait, but it didn't give me any prompt.

Evan: It says that "Note: This item cannot be used by the other Heroes." so that probably means only I can interact with it.

Aisha nodded and started thinking for a second.

Aisha: Then why haven't you used it yet?


No matter how much this world looks and feels like a game. Everything here happens for a reason. If I'm gonna find something like this book here, then that means the library caretaker must know something about the heroes at the very least.

I opened the book and skimmed through it. 

There was no author name, which sucked. That would've been very useful. Other than that, there doesn't seem to be anything noteworthy. It's just a book that teaches about how you can make your own skills.

It has a bunch of chapters and there's only 2 chapters which are about how to make your own skill while the other chapters seem to be about general knowledge. Like how fire element is really destructive and if mixed with certain aspects, such as wind element, it will become more destructive and e.t.c. which I don't really care about cause I already know.

There's really nothing in here that would make you think this book is otherworldly. It looks like a normal book that is supposed to belong here.

Should I really become a True Hero?

Aisha probably saw me hesitating and asked.

[Why haven't you used it yet?] (Aisha)

[Huh? oh yea, I was just thinking about a few things. How about you go down and check if that old hag knows anything about the heroes?] (Me)

Aisha Looked at me sadly.

[Aww. But I want to see you become a True Hero.] (Aisha)

I sighed.

[Fine.] (Me)

I looked over to Hope and faith to see what they were doing.

Hope was doing her best trying to read some book she picked up while faith was skimming through a few numbers of books. Probably seeing which one is interesting enough to be read.

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