Chapter 89 (The Mother Of Faeries)

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Evan POV:

I ignored everyone and drank the worm-hole potion.

My vision turned black and I saw a different dimension swirling right in front of me.

It's kinda like when you rub your eyes too hard.

The second I came too. I was back in the Corruption, but instead of being in the Unholy forest where everything was rotting, I was in the ruined castle where all the other cultists were tied up.

[Yo, wut up.] (Terra)

I heard a familiar voice behind me so I turned around and sure enough.

[Wassup.] (Me)

[Did everything turned out okay?] (Terra)

[More or less.] (Me)

I looked around but none of the faeries or others were around aside for some knocked out Cultists that were tied with ropes.

[Uhhh.] (Me)

[They're outside. Check the windows or cracks.] (Terra)

I nodded.

There were definitely windows here at one point but now there were only window holes left.

I looked outside and sure enough, I see Sarya, who is my Mom, Rose and a bunch of more faeries. There was also a dude, right? where's he?

{Author Note: He's talking about Albert, Rose's little brother.}

Even the faeries are not that much. My only guess is that they're protecting the base.

I turned back towards Terra.

[Hey Terra a quick question.] (Me)

[Yea?] (Terra)

[Are my eyes looking purple?] (Me)

[huh?] (Terra)

Terra was a bit taken aback but he still focused on my eyes.

His Sharp Manly Eyes started penetrating mine.

No homo tho.

[Oh yea, they are purple. I didn't notice before because of your googles but is that normal?] (Terra)

[I actually have no clue. It's probably the corruption getting to me or whatever these guys said before.] (Me)

[Huh? then what about my-] (Terra)

[I already checked but yours are fine.] (Me)

[Then why yours?] (Terra)

[Maybe cuz I'm not Human? If I remember correctly then my race, Silver daemon's eyes reflect their Mana color or whatever is happening with it. Which means...] (Me)

I immediately conjured up a Mana ball on my hand to test out my theory and sure enough.

My mana ball was completely dark Purple with hints of green coursing through it Instead of the usual Sky blue color.

[Okay, That's Rad but I'm scared as hell. I wonder if the Corruption is trying to eat my Mana, but then again, I still haven't received any kind of debuff or anything.] (Me)

[Well, If worst comes to worst then we can always use the nurse. Right now you need to meet everyone that's down there. but you also need to hide your eyes, otherwise, it's going to get complicated.] (Terra)

[Oh don't worry about that.] (Me)

I whipped out my Aviators. and exchanged them with my Goggles.

[I'm always ready.] (Me)

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