Chapter 59 (Sans Und*rtale Joins the Fray!)

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Evan POV:

Everyone gave me good luck as I walked towards the Platform.

I saw the Referee from before next to the gate along with the guy holding the Check Book and a guy in Blue Robes with a Mature face at around 40 years of age.

[Ah You're....... Madam Aisha's Friend. Your Opponent is Fodel Oxborn. Just to Clarify, You're starting your ranking from the beginning and will go till Professional Grandmaster?] (Dude with Check Book)

I know that he's hesitating to call my name and that's because I thought of an amazing Alibi that I absolutely love.

[Yea, That's Correct.] (Me)

The magician beside me came up to me.

[Hey, Winning or losing, no hard feelings.] (Fodel)

Huh, Seems like a nice Dude.

[Same to you.] (Me)

[I Should Clarify Mr. Fodel, but you're also entitled to lose two ranking on losing the match to a Rush Opponent.] (Dude with Check Book)

[I know, I know. But still, how can I Lose To Kid Like Him! HAHAHAHA!] (Fodel)

Okay, I take back the good things I said about you. I'm going to wreck the shit out of you.

[If you two are ready then let's Go. People are waiting.] (Referee)

[Oh Before that. When the Match Begin can you call out our names?] (Me)

I would Love to Hear That.

[Sure, seems fair enough what's your name by the way.....] (Referee)

He checked the Check Book and I could see his expression slowly change and becoming more horrified.

[There's Absolutely no way I can say that! Even if it's your Alibi!] (Referee)

[I'll Complain to Aisha that you guys don't listen to me.] (Me)

Both of them are having Conflicting emotions while I'm standing there with a Giant Evil Grin.

[...... Fine.] (Referee)


[..... It Can't be that bad, can it?] (Fodel)

I Followed the Referee into the Arena.

Hold on a Second, Is that Daisy?

That is Daisy!

She's sitting on the VIP Lounge with 3 more people. 2 of them are probably her Mom and Dad while the 4th one seems to be the big sister.

They all look Strikingly similar with Pink hair. Except for the father who has tons of white strands of hair probably from his old age.

I started waving at Daisy. When she noticed she also waved back.

Trap Set.

I can't wait to see her face when the Referee calls my name and everyone now knows that she knows me.

Aside from that, Faith and Hope were furiously waving their small hands so I waved back.

We stood up on the stadium and Fodel stood right opposite to me.

The Stadium is of a good length of around 30 to 40 Meters.

The Referee stood in the Middle of us and start Talking.

[Today is a Big day Because not only are we joined in by our beloved King and queen but also the start of our very first "Rush Match".] (Referee)

The crowd started cheering loudly.

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