Chapter 86 (The Eater of Worlds)

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Terra POV:

I Ran out of the ruined building with the weakened fairy in my hands.

I Looked around nearby the ruined castle in search of the Cultist Woman but I couldn't see her anywhere. So I did what any normal human being would do and left this place alone.

The Fairy in my hands was in a really poor condition, Breathing heavily with her eyes closed. I don't have Evan's 'Peek' Skill which shows the target's condition, So I have no way of knowing what to do.

I started running all the way back towards the Faerie Village while covering this small fairy in my hands. I thought really hard if there is a way to save her without the use of Nurse.

Come On Terra! What Would Watson do in this situation?

{Author Note: What purpose does Watson have over here?}

The first thing is always to search the Crime so that would be ....her. What did the Cultists do to her? Well, she looks hurt so...........

Health potion... maybe? Her mouth is too small tho, Then..... Maybe make her shower in the Health Potion?

{Author Note: This guy should not be in charge of nursing others.}

I took out a Lesser healing potion, Opened the cork with my teeth because my other hand was busy holding the fairy and then I poured the Health potion on her.

In amidst the pouring, she woke up but started coughing her heart out.

....I forgot that she could've drowned from the F***** Healing Potion. Would be an Ironic way of dying.

[You Okay?] (Me)

[*Cough* *Cough* Ye- *Cough *Cough*] (small Fairy)

[Take care of yourself first before talking.] (Me)

This time she nodded with a pained face before coughing some more.

Her coughing stopped a few seconds later and then she started talking.

[W-Where am I? And Who are you?] (Small Fairy)

[Don't worry, I'm Eva- I mean Ried's Friend. And we're just outside where you were locked.] (Me)

[T-Then where is Ried?] (Small Fairy)

[He should be coming here any moment no-] (Me)

My sentence was stopped by an ominous notification from the system.

The Eater of worlds has awoken!


[Forget About Everything! Can You Fly!?!] (Me)

[Huh? ah, Yes.] (Small Fairy)


Inside the Corrupted Forest, from a bit far away, The Eater of Worlds Emerged. 

Rotting skin, Foul Smell, Thousands of eyes on it. It was also oozing some kind of viscous green liquid.

It probably saw me as a fresh morsel BECAUSE IT WAS COMING STRAIGHT AT ME!

I desperately screamed at the Fairy.

[FLY NOW!] (Me)

And the reason is because I'm about to Sh*t my pants looking at that Giant Mouth opened to eat me.

Evan POV:

The Eater of World was tunneling above so I'll have to assume the other Cultists are also dead Right? or the stairs have brought me far away.

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