Chapter 20 (The Eye's of Cthulu 2)

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Evan POV:


The eye hit me as I was falling down the tree.


The knockback was insane and I flew back like a thumbleweed.......only I was heavier and faster.

I landed on a tree.

[GAH!] The sound escaped me.

Gotta hand it to this tree, it didn't broke down from my impact.

Life: 121/160

I have to say that I love the pain resistant skill.

I stood up unsteadily only to see that a giant eye ball is speeding towards me, wrecking the hell out of the trees with it. The feeling is like staring at a cyclone what is 2 feet away from you.

[Shit.] (Me)

I quickly held the zombie arm up in front of me and activated parry.

The Giant eye's middle part was completely ripped apart so its bones hit my zombie arm.

I couldn't stop the momentum and I was shot back and hit the same tree again........only this time it broke down.


I quickly stood up for its unending barrage of charges.

At this rate I wont be able to attack him and only receive damage.

What do I do?

[EVAN!] (Tifa)

[What?] I was genuinely surprised to see Tifa coming here [WAIT! DONT COME HERE ITS TOO DANGEROUS!!]

She didn't listen to me and threw a grenade on the eye charging right onto me.

The tiny grenade went through the open bones and inside the eyes tiny open place and got stuck on its teeth.


It blew up in a deafening shout and just as I got a bit happy a giant mass charged at me from the smoke.

[OEUF] all the air escaped from my lungs as I was shot back.


I hit a tree and its base got cracked and the whole tree fell down on me.

I got up and spat out some blood. 

[*cough* *cough* *spits* Dam. This is gonna be a real pain in the...... wait a minute.] (Me)

[EVAN!] (Tifa)

Tifa came up beside me, really worried.

[THATS IT!] (Me)

tifa was surprised by my sudden shout.

[What?] (Tifa)

[Alright, Tifa I'm gonna be quick on this. try to get the other Giant eye over here. I have a plan.] (Me)

She looked a bit surprised then looked towards the giant eye at a distance having an intense battle with the elves then she looked back at me and nodded before heading out.

Alright, now I gotta avoid this bad boys charges.

I thought that as I was hit again by another one of its charges.  and flew back.


Before landing on the ground I grappled onto the peak of a tree.

[Alright Lil puppy lets see how bad can you really be.] (Me)

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