Chapter 115 (Tickling Sensation)

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*Evan POV*

[Rise and shine you three, we've got a busy day ahead of us.] (Walter)

I sighed in relief. I wasn't really afraid of Walter shooting me cuz we're both in the same team and friendly fire is off. But I don't really want to explain to Hope and Faith why my friends keep trying to hurt.

Well, with that out of the way. Walter left, and I was still on top of Faith while Hope was standing behind me.

[Now that he's gone. How about you two tell me if you slept tonight or not?] (Me)

I raised my eyebrow at them and Faith hid her fac back in the pillow while Hope looked away.

Since I can't move Faith, then...

[Hope? You know I'm not upset, right? You need to tell me if you slept today or not.] (Me)

Hope looked at me downcasted as her ears and tails drooped down.

I don't like doing this, but things like these have to be done sometimes.

[...We didn't sleep.] (Hope)

Oh yea, about that. They started having trouble sleeping after growing out their third tail. They keep saying they don't feel like sleeping, so this thing has started happening.

[Okay. And what were you doing during the night?] (Me)

I asked calmly while Hope looked at the ground as ear ears and tails also drooped down.

[....We went outside.] (Hope)

Hope said with a shaken voice with looks as if she's about to cry. Aside from me feeling like I also wanted to cry, Faith interjected as if trying to make Hope feel less guilty.

[But we were near the House!] (Faith)


I told them before that they can't go outside without my or the other's permission. Which is why they didn't want to tell me.

I should be mad about this, but I do the same thing all the time so I can't be mad.

.....They're learning too much from me and that's a terrible thing.

Please, for the love of god stop Learning From Me!

Well. I'm not really afraid that they'll get hurt because of a stray monster or anything because not only have I made sure that the dryad is keeping a close look on all threats near the house, but they can easily protect themselves from everyday normal threats. 

I also bet that the Dryad would also know about Hope and Faith Leaving the house today in the night.  

I sighed.

How should I react in this situation? 

They're growing more and more and they aren't weak or have needs like humans do. So I'm guessing they won't even be able to sleep soon even if they want to. 


Dam it fine. I guess I can at least let them stay near the home.

I patted Hope's head because she looks like she's about to cry.

[Alright, don't worry, I'm not mad. But don't go outside without telling anyone, okay? Aunt Tania (The Dryad) Never sleeps and she also in charge of taking care of the whole forest. I bet she already knew that you two left the house.] (Me)

Tania is surprisingly reliable and her firepower is nothing to sneeze at.

Hope's smile returned as her ears and tails sprung back up. She didn't say anything but nodded.

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