Chapter 85 (Making an Entrance)

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Evan POV:

Terra and I were standing in front of what seemed to be a castle in ruins. It's pretty run down tho. The castle is not as big as the other ones I've seen, there's moss growing everywhere, Tons of tiles are broken, heck there's tons of huge holes in the walls.

[You do know that there was literally no reason to come here.] (Terra)

[Nothing wrong with just exploring. plus If it's a ruin then there's a chance we might find some kind clue on how to get out of here.] (Me)

[How.] (Terra)

[Well, This could be the place from where the previous heroes left this place or something.] (Me)

[Yea, well, it could be anything when you don't know the answer.] (Terra)

[Alright that's enough how about we actually go in?] (Me)

[Ladies First.] (Terra)

I kicked him in.

Terra fell inside and landed face first.

[Alright Ma'am, Let's search for clues.] (Me)

Terra stood up.

[You're a dick.] (Terra)

[Alright Ma'am.] (Me)

We searched around for quite some time but there's nothing left here. Everything is in ruins.

I found a broken down library and started searching for books.

Most of the books were destroyed, ruined or had tons of its pages ripped apart. And the books that weren't ruined were quite useless.

[Well, this was a waste of time.] (Me)

I can see Terra's name tag and he just went to the basement. so I quickly private messaged him.

Evan: Hey Terra, There's no point of interest over here.

Terra: Evan... You need to come to me but be very quiet.

Evan: Sure.

I walked to exactly above Terra's nametag and placed a bomb there.

I Brought these Bombs to mine the meteorite but I can spare some to mess with Terra.

The bomb exploded with a loud noise punching a hole through the floor.

I peeked down and there was dust everywhere. Terra was covering himself, probably sh*t himself from the jumpscare.

I shouted in the Large hole.



[Oh Sorry, Let me rephrase that.] (Me)

I cleared my throat and whispered into the hole.

[yo, you called me?] (Me)

[God Dam It Evan!] (Terra)

[Oh, Come on! What's the worst that can Happen?] (Me)

Well, There's dust everywhere so I can't tell.

[Well, I saw tons of suspicious people, so I started spying. But Now!] (Terra)

The dust cleared and I clearly saw my mistake.

The underground was wide open supported by wooden beams with books and tables scattered about, probably because of my Bomb and there was like 50 hooded people here.

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