Chapter 105 (Fish Finally Moving)

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*Evan POV*

[Then Let me ask you something Merkal.] (Me)

[H-Huh?] (Merkel)

[Do You know Who I Am?] (Me)

Merkel was sweating a bit. I'm guessing he realized someone like me is not a powerless person.

[N-No.] (Merkal)

My lips grinned up as I stared right into his eyes.

[Good.] (Me)

You have no idea who you're messing with.

Merkal face slowly turned from someone being really scared to someone really confused.

[What?] (Merkal)

[Exactly!] (Me)

I went ahead and sat opposite to Merkal.

Merkal was still twitchy and his guard was standing next to him with his sword that was stuck in the wall before.

I put my legs on his table to assert my dominance as he was too afraid to do anything right.

[I'll tell you right now, I don't care who you are and right now I'm someone you can't afford to offend.] (Me)

So, You're already misusing your powers as a Hero, huh Evan.

I retorted myself.

[W-Wha-] (Merkal)

Merkal stammered but I didn't give him any chance to say anything.

[Listen Merkal, I'm only here for a small civilized talk, Heck I'm not even here to talk to you either.] (Me)

I'm supposed to set you straight as per the request of your Butler Raynard and your father..... what was his name? Coleslaw?

How am I gonna do that tho without beating the everliving sh*t out of him?

Merkal took a deep breath and cleared his throat.

[T-Then what are you here for?] (Merkal)

I glanced towards Merkal's bodyguard who seemed to be casting some kind of magic, probably calling backup or something.

I don't mind tho.

[I'm just here to meet Lucy and Oswald. I mean, They're here aren't they.] (Me)

Merkal sat there silent for a moment.

[I don't know what you're talking about.] (Merkal)

I looked at him while raising my eyebrows.

[If I remember correctly you were just talking about Lucy's marriage weren't you?] (Me)

[I have no idea what you're talking about.] (Merkal)

Merkal responded ignorantly before a sinister grin formed on his face.

The door behind me that I had broken and fixed again was slammed open as a number of armed people Flooded in.

All of them easily surrounded me while pointing their swords at me.

[Since I have nothing to help you with, I would like to ask you to kindly leave me alone as I'm a very busy man.] (Merkal)

I sighed as I laid back on the chair

I mean I've been tasked with setting this man straight but how am I gonna do it when this guy won't listen to me and I can't hurt him.

Welp. Gonna have to do this the old fashioned way.

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